Angel Winged Cane Begonia easy house plant pink blooms beautiful leaves

Cane type begonias are some of the world's best performing and easiest begonias to grow. They are second only to wax begonias in their ease of culture, and second to none in their beauty. 

By far the best-known cane-type begonias are the angel wing begonias, which grow on upright stems with interesting leaves and magnificent displays of a pendant and drooping flowers.

In terms of culture, these are not particularly difficult to grow and can thrive indoors, providing you meet a few basic requirements.

Growing Conditions

Light: Bright, indirect light year-round. They are not as sensitive to direct light as Rex begonias, but cannot handle the direct sunlight of a wax begonia.

Water: Water when the soil dries through the first half-inch, water thoroughly and let drain. Provide lots of humidity.

Temperature: Average to warm (and humid). As with all begonias, they do not like cold drafts and cannot tolerate freezing.

Soil: Airy, light, fast-draining soil.

Fertilizer: Use liquid fertilizer weekly at quarter strength or biweekly at half strength. During blooming in later winter or spring, switch to high-phosphorous fertilizer.

You will receive one rooted cutting in plastic pot, currently not blooming.

The cutting will be sent in a cardbox, wrapped papers.