star in

A film by Mike Newell


An Outrageously Funny Affair!

"Four Weddings and a Funeral" will put a spring in your step, a skip in your heart and a smile on your face" - Gene Shalit - The Today Show

VHS - PAL - NEW - Never played!! - M-rated - Colour - 1994-release - 117-minutes - Comedy - Original VHS release in Australia - Large box

In Britain, slightly bumbling and always tardy Charles and his closest group of friends seem always to be attending weddings but are never the bride or groom, and as such, each, with the exception of gay couple Gareth and Matthew, is looking for love. 

At the wedding of their friends Angus and Laura where Charles is acting as best man, Charles meets an American woman named Carrie. 

For him, it's love at first sight. 

She too is attracted to him. 

Although they spend a memorable evening together, that's all it ends up being. 

Over three more successive weddings - some of the brides and grooms who are very near and dear to Charles' heart - and one unfortunate funeral, Charles runs into Carrie, but something always seems to prevent the two from getting together.

 He also runs into a plethora of old girlfriends, one of whom he may believe is really the one he was meant to end up with, especially if Carrie seems to remain unattainable. 

Will Charles settle for who in his heart is second best, or will fate finally bring Charles and Carrie together?

I am viewing the movie for my fifth time since its release. 

I just love this movie and laugh almost endless throughout the movie. 

My favorite parts of this movie are not the "Hollywood A List" actors but the not so well known actors. They are incredibly funny and give wonderful performances. 

I could easily write a bit about each actor in this movie but time does not permit. 

These are some very talented people. 

As a fan of British humor, I am especially pleased with the incredible writing along with the acting. Not to mention some of the scenery. 

If someone is feeling low, this is a great movie to watch to lift the spirits. I highly recommend this movie to anyone wanting or needing a good laugh.