star in

A film by George Roy Hill


From the moment he opened his eyes, he's had a funny way of looking at life.

VHS - PAL - NEW - Never played!! - M-rated - Colour - 1982-release - 131-minutes - Comedy, Drama - Original VHS release in Australia - Large box

T.S. Garp has led an unusual life. 

Born in 1944 and named after his father, he is the bastard son of opinionated feminist nurse Jenny Fields who wanted a child but not a husband. 

She got herself pregnant by a hospitalized soldier on his deathbed, he known only to her as Technical Seargeant Garp. 

As a young adult, Garp, shaped by his upbringing especially his mother's influence, is an aspiring writer and freestyle wrestler.

 He shows great aptitude in both. 

His writing inspires his mother to try her hand at it as well, her subject being her greatest curiosity in life which is human sexuality, most specifically male lust and its effect on women.

 Into Garp's life comes a myriad of Jenny's friends, acquaintances, groupies and advisers, which includes a transsexual ex-football player named Roberta Muldoon, a reformed prostitute, and a group of women who practice self-mutilation all in the name of making a statement. 

Also into his life comes Helen Holm, the daughter of his wrestling coach. 

Garp and Helen have a stormy but passionate relationship, the passion based in part on their joint love of literature. 

Through all these unusual experiences, Garp just wants to find his place in the world which has a different sensibility than him.

Based on the best-selling novel by John Irving, here is the big screen equivalent of a good read. Robin Williams almost plays it down, but thoroughly shines in the title role as T.S.Garp in this, his first proper feature film(well you can hardly include 'Popeye' in that category!).

This is an amazingly rare look at a story that evolves around happiness, sadness, heartbreak, love, and all the other natural emotions that this young,up and coming novelist experiences throughout his far from normal existence that culminates in a dark satire on many comical situations.

Some great moments to be had including a great performance from John Lithgow as the transsexual ex-football player who befriends Garp and his Worldly renowned Women's lib Mother played brilliantly by Glenn Close in her film debut.

You'll laugh... especially at the way Garp was conceived and to find out what his initials T.S. actually stand for. You'll rejoice... at the moment when Garp finds out he is to become a father for the first time. You'll cry...many times...

This movie has got to be one of the most underrated masterpieces of the 1980's, and in many ways sustains a cult following as being one of Robin Williams' first major movie projects. 

Don't let this one get away - it doesn't deserve to be missed!