1636 Map of Matthaus Merian's Venetia -

Detailed Specifications

This is a reproduction of the original map.

This Map Comes in Sizes:
7"x16" and 16"x37"

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Please look at the closeup images for sharpness and resolution.

Detailed birdseye view of Venice, the outer islands, lagoon and contiguous coastline.

The harbor and canals of Venice are finely illustrated with a great number of the individual buildings easily identifiable. The Grand Canal opens onto the
Adriatic, embellished with numerous sailing and merchant vessels, both at anchor
and fully rigged.

The Islands in the Venetian Lagoon are also illustrated with exact detail, with San Giorgio and its buildings depicted, and Murano, Burano, Torcello, etc.
represented across the upper right section. With the coat-of-arms of Venetian
Republic, crowned by the Doge's cap and the Venetian Lion at center.

This map comes with a white border around the image
-How are the prints shipped?
They are rolled and placed into a rigid tube.

-Is this available in a larger/smaller size.
Yes. For smaller or larger sizes, email us.