El embarazo puede cambiar rápidamente el hermoso físico de cualquier mujer, y puede hacer que se deslice fácilmente en esa terrible depresión posparto. Afortunadamente, hay una solución para esto: ¡la faja postparto!
Esta prenda para el embarazo se fabrica con solo una cosa en mente, y eso es para darle un aspecto elegante al comprimir la parte posterior, el abdomen y las caderas. Es de gran ayuda durante el proceso de recuperación, aumentando su autoestima, recuperando los músculos y apoyando su espalda.
  • 1 SET WITH 3 FUNCTIONS:Belly belt to hold your organs and help them get back in place; Waist belt to flatten your belly and get a slimmer waist and Pelvis belt to correct its position postpartum. At the same time you get an extra feature: you will improve your posture
  • ❤SOFT & HIGH QUALITY MATERIALS: Manufactured with breathable and comfortable materials, MUKATU’s recovery belt is lightweight and yet provides absolute compression and control for your tummy. Its design will also prevent from rolling up and moving, keeping in place. Stretchable and easy to clean.
  • ❤ADJUSTABLE: Practical and convenient, simple to use. Put it on and off with no trouble, allowing the stretching fabric to wrap your body and mold to your body. The design of MUKATU’s belt makes it easy to adjust according to your needs, thanks to the velcro closure.
  • ❤PAIN RELIEVE DESIGN: Especially designed for postpartum recovery, the 3 functions of the belt will assist you to get back in shape and keep your body under control. Reduce swelling, support the abdominal muscles and help the uterus to go back to its original size sooner. MUKATU’s support belt has a structural fish bone design to support the lower back and correct your posture as well.
  • ❤FEEL MORE CONFIDENT: By wearing the Recovery Belt, not only you will help your body to restore itself, but you will also visibly reduce your waistline and look slimmer.
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