Multi Listing for Mutable Instruments PCBs 

I also have separate listings for each PCB, this listing allows you to buy the three PCBs and generate a discount if you desire. 

1. Clouds

2. Elements

3. Ears

Descriptions below if you are not familiar with the modules:

1. Mutable Instruments Clouds PCB for Synth DIY

DIY Clouds PCB


  • Hi-Quality PCB Manufactured in the UK
  • FR4 Tg 130 (standard),
  • 1.6mm thickness
  • 1.0oz copper
  • both sides White Silkscreen
  • both sides Green Solder mask
  • HASL (Lead free)

Clouds PCB comes without parts for DIY

You will need to purchase the components to complete this DIY project. You can access the BOM here:

Please be aware that this DIY PCB build requires Surface mount soldering using 0402 parts.

Hacking resources on mutable site.


What Is Clouds?




Clouds is a granular audio processor like no other.

Clouds is focused on the realtime granularization of incoming audio signals, and their transformation into amorphous textures.

Grains of adjustable size, pitch and envelope, are extracted at controllable time offsets from the input signal. Grains are seeded randomly, periodically, or whenever the module receives a trigger.

The textures generated by Clouds are extremely thick, partly because of the large number of concurrent grains (up to 60), partly because of a built-in allpass diffuser and reverberator, smearing the shortest transient into a wash of noise – giving the illusion of an even larger number of simultaneous grains.

A list of things Clouds is not trying to be: a sample player, a slicer, a looper.


Audio buffer acquisition

  • Stereo I/O. Even with a mono recording buffer, a wide stereo output can still be simulated by randomly panning grains or through the stereo reverberator.
  • Stereo pre-amp with a gain range covering modular and line levels.
  • Recording buffer size: 1s (32kHz, stereo) to 8s (16kHz, µ-law, mono).
  • The FREEZE button and the corresponding gate input freezes the content of the recording buffer, allowing you to dive into its sonic details.
  • 4 memory slots for storing and recalling buffers.

Granular synthesis

  • Grain generation time base: periodical, randomized, or externally clocked.
  • The POSITION knob selects from which part of the recording buffer the grains are extracted.
  • Grain size from 16ms to 1s.
  • Up to 40 to 60 concurrent grains (depending on recording buffer resolution).
  • Transposition from -2 octaves to +2 octaves, with V/O tracking.
  • Grain envelope continuously variable between boxcar, triangle and Hann functions.
  • CV inputs for all grain parameters, individually sampled and held by each grain. For stochastic, Xenakis-style explorations, try feeding random voltages to those!
  • Diffusion network with 4 All-pass filters to post process the granularized signals.

Post-processing (“blending”) settings

4 post-processing parameters are controlled by the BLEND knob and CV input:

  • Dry/wet balance.
  • Random panning amount.
  • Feedback amount.
  • Reverb amount.


  • Input impedances: 100k.
  • Audio input gain range: line level to modular level.
  • CV range: +/- 5V. CVs outside of this range are simply clipped.
  • Internal processing: 32kHz, 32-bit floating point. RAM Recording buffer uses 16-bit (high quality) or 8-bit µ-law (low quality) resolution
  • Open-source hardware and firmware.
  • Easy firmware updates through an audio interface.
  • Cortex-M4 ARM processor.
  • 18-HP.
  • Current consumption: +12V: 120mA ; -12V: 10mA.
  • 120 mA +12V
  • 10 mA -12V
  • 0 mA 5V
  • 25 mm deep
 Shipping cost:

Free shipping

Delivery time:
Royal Mail 2nd Class Large Letter 2-3 days

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Paypal

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Please see our return policy for further details.

2. Mutable Instruments Elements PCB for Synth DIY

DIY Elements PCB


  • Hi-Quality PCB Manufactured in the UK
  • FR4 Tg 130 (standard),
  • 1.6mm thickness
  • 1.0oz copper
  • both sides White Silkscreen
  • both sides Green Solder mask
  • HASL (Lead free)

Elements PCB comes without parts for DIY **DOES NOT CONTAIN PARTS** –

You will need to purchase the components to complete this DIY project. You can access the BOM here. Please be aware that this DIY PCB build requires Surface mount soldering using 0402 parts.


What is Elements?


Elements is a full-blown synthesis voice based on modal synthesis – an under-appreciated flavour of physical modelling synthesis with a strange and abstract feel.

Elements combines an exciter synthesis section generating raw, noisy sounds characteristic of bowing (filtered friction noise), blowing (pitch-controlled granular noise), or striking (stick, mallet, hammer or brush sample playback… or bursts of synthetic impulsions).

These sources, or external audio signals, are processed by a modal filter bank – an ensemble of 64 tuned band-pass filters simulating the response of various resonant structures (plates, strings, tubes…) with adjustable brightness and damping. A stereo ambience reverberator adds depth and presence to the sound.

All parameters have a very meaningful and well-delimited impact on the sound. When designing Elements, great care has been taken in selecting parameter ranges and control curves, producing a large palette of sounds – often beyond physical realism – but always well controlled and stable. The “dark spots” of noise and feedback are reached gradually, and they do still react to controls. The module is deliberately menu- and switch-free – what you dial/patch is what you hear!

Excitation signal generator

  • Three generators with mixer: bowing noise, blowing noise, percussive impulses.
  • Envelope contour for bowing and blowing.
  • Bowing noise generator: particle-like scratching noise with 2-pole low-pass filter.
  • Blowing noise generator: granular pitched noise with wavetable-like scanning between various tone colors.
  • Percussive impulse generator: interpolates through a collection of impulsive excitations – including sampled sticks, brushes and hammers, and models of damped mallets, plectrums, or bouncy particles. 2-pole low-pass filter and pitch control.

  • Internally uses 64 zero-delay feedback state variable filters.
  • Coarse, fine and FM frequency controls.
  • Geometry: Interpolates through a collection of structures, including plates, strings, tubes, bowls.
  • Brightness. Specifies the character of the material the resonating structure is made of – from wood to glass, from nylon to steel.
  • Damping. Adds damping to the sound – simulates a wet material or the muting of the vibrations.
  • Position. Specifies at which point the structure is excited.
  • Space. Creates an increasingly rich stereo output by capturing the sound at two different points of the structure, and then adds more space through algorithmic reverberation.


  • All exciter and resonator parameters have a dedicated CV input with attenuverter.
  • Strength input, for amplitude control of the exciter section.
  • Frequency control through a V/O input controlling the main resonator frequency, and an FM input.
  • Two audio inputs: one pre-envelope and diffuser, the other patched straight to the resonator.
  • Stereo audio output, with adjustable width/reverberation. It is also possible to output the raw exciter signal on one channel, and the raw resonator signal on the other.


  • Input impedances: 100k.
  • CV range: +/- 8V. CVs outside of this range are simply clipped.
  • Audio input level: calibrated for modular (10 Vpp).
  • Audio acquisition and restitution: 16-bit, 32kHz.
  • Internal computations on 32-bit floating point numbers.
  • Open-source hardware and firmware.
  • Easy firmware updates through an audio interface.
  • Cortex-M4 ARM processor.
  • 34-HP.
  • Current consumption: +12V: 130mA ; -12V: 10mA
  • 130 mA +12V
  • 10 mA -12V
  • 0 mA 5V
  • 25 mm deep

3. Music Thing Modular & Mutable Instruments Ears PCB


  • Hi-Quality PCB Manufactured in the UK
  • FR4 Tg 130 (standard),
  • 1.6mm thickness
  • 1.0oz copper
  • both sides White Silkscreen
  • both sides Green Solder mask
  • HASL (Lead free)

Ears PCB comes without parts for DIY **DOES NOT CONTAIN PARTS** –

You will need to purchase the components to complete this DIY project. 

You can access the Bill Of Materials (BOM) at the bottom of the page.

Please be aware that this DIY PCB build requires Surface mount soldering using 0402 parts.

What does the Ears module do?
Contact Microphone

Ears is Mutable Instruments’ take on Tom Whitwell’s Mikrophonie module, it is a perfect match for physical synthesis modules like Rings or Elements, but it can also be the gateway between external audio sources and your modular system.

  • Audio amplifier with 1M input impedance, up to 40dB of gain.
  • Envelope follower with 3 preset attack and release times (adjustable by jumper).
  • Gate detector with 3 preset sensitivity levels (adjustable by jumper) and +8V gate output.
  • Three indicator LEDs: amplifier clipping (red), envelope follower level (white), gate detector activity (orange).
  • Open-source hardware.

  • 5 mA +12V
  • 5 mA -12V
  • 0 mA 5V
  • 25 mm deep

Bill of Materials(BOM) Here:

Link to Modular Grid page : 

Hacking Resources:

Made available under creativecommons license.