Great Religions of Modern Age General Editor Richard A. Gard: Hinduism Edited by Louis Renon is published Washington Press Pocket Books New York 1972 5th printing. Contains 226 pages. Contents: Preface. A Note on Pronunciation. 1. Introduction: 1. General Characterization of Hinduism 2. Vedism 3. Practices and Beliefs 4. Religious Sects. 6. Indian Society 7. Conclusion. 2. Selected Texts: A. Sanskrit Sources: 1. The Rg - Veda 2. The Atharva -veda 3. The Satpatha -Brahmana 4. The Upanisads 5. The Gryha- Sutras 6. The Dharma-Sutras 7. The Manu -Smrti 8. The Bhagavad gita 9. The Maha Bharata 10.Ramayana 11. The Purayas 12. The Tantras 13. Kalidasa 14. Bhartrhari 15. Bhavabhuti 16. Ramanuja 17. The Gita -govinda 18. The Sarva -darsana-samgraha of Madhava 19. The Adhyatma-Ramayana. 2. Non Sanskritic Sources: 1. Appear 2. Manikka Vacagar 3. The Alvars 4. The Sivananabodham 5. Lalla 6. Namdev and Tukaram 7. Kabir 8.Dadu 9. Caitanya 10. Tulsidas 11. Ramaprasad Sen 12. Rammohun Roy 13. Ramakrishna 14.Vivekananda 15. Tagore 16. Gandhi 17. Aurobindo 18. Radhakrishnan. Translation References. Suggested Readings. Index. Softcover has darkening discoloration to front and back cover, scrape mark to top end of spine, some interior pages contains underlining ,margins or marking in pencil by previous owner, toning to interior pages,  dirt stains to top outer edge pages. The dimension is 4 1/8 x 7.