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This listing is for a genuine Lucas remanufactured ECU unit for use with a Rover SD1 2000 Carburettor 2.0 litre 1984-87

OEM Ref No.
                        LRZ 194

Vehicle Manufacturer Ref No.
                                               ADU 8367

Vehicle Compatibility
Vehicle Year CC
ROVER - SDI 2000Oct 1982 to Oct 19861994

Rover SD1 2000 ECU Carburettor 2.0 litre 84-87 Lucas LRZ194 73259 ADU 8367
Content © Copyright motortronic. All rights reserved.
Rover SD1 2000 ECU Carburettor 2.0 litre 84-87 Lucas LRZ194 73259 ADU 8367
Content © Copyright motortronic. All rights reserved.