These bracelets are made from natural stone chips.  All bracelets are strung on the thickest elastic that would go through the holes.  

Aragonite Yellow Chalcedony
Boosts the immune system Absorbs negative energy
Strengthens bones and calcium Instills feelings of benevolence and generosity
Lessens anger, stress & pain Promotes brotherhood and good will
Eases restlessness & chronic fatigue Balances physical, emotional, spiritual
Provides peace of mind Heals eyes, gallbladder, bones, spleen, blood 
Reduces nightmares  and circulatory system.
Supports joints
Strengthens teeth, bones, back and spine
Helps lower blood pressure
Supports stomach and intestines
Encourages creativity, enhances mental clarity
Boosts energy
Enhances spirituality
Blue Goldstone    Brown Goldstone
Increases blood flow  Increases blood flow 
Reduces inflammation Reduces inflammation
Calms and provides protection Calms and provides protection
Deflects negativity Deflects negativity
Builds energy, courage, positive attitude Builds energy, courage, positive attitude
Increases drive and confidence Increases drive and confidence
Hematite Howlite
Eases joint, back, leg pain, cramping Strengthens teeth and bones
Purifies blood, battles anemia Helps lower blood pressure
Enhances memory, concentration, focus Supports dreaming and dream recall
Supports pregnancy, reduces menstrual pain Reduces nightmares
Helpful for sleep disorders Balances calcium level
Provides joyful feelings Reduces anger
Lessens OCD tendencies Bolsters memory

Unakite Rhyolite
Supports women’s health; fertility, pregnancy Strengthens creativity
Protects against endometriosis & radiation Enhances sleep & dreaming
Boosts memory, personal growth, self-confidence Supports liver
Assists in illness recovery Balances emotions
Strengthens the lymph system Reduces balance impairment
Helps control emotional pain & anger Increases self-respect, self-worth
Beneficial to skin tissue Helps heal sinus infections
Serpentine Magnesite
Supports women’s issues; cramps, menstrual problems,  Treats bones and teeth disorders
hormone balance, lactation, mood swings Relieves headaches and migraines
Detoxifying Eases grief & loss 
Balances sugar levels; diabetes, hypoglycemia Speeds up fat metabolism
Kidney problems Induces an optimistic view to life
Stimulates love and acceptance for self

I combine shipping on all of my items.

I have been making handcrafted healing stone jewelry since 2007, mostly custom pieces by special order.  All Healing Light Stones jewelry is handmade by me.  Each piece is unique, and the gemstones are authentic and properly identified.  The energy in a piece of healing jewelry is affected by the handling, and all of mine are made with love and joy as I truly enjoy what I do.
Alternative healing is NOT a substitute for a doctor's care.  It is one of many natural, non-invasive things that you can do to help support your own wellness.