This Buy It Now Listing is for one World of Warcraft WoW TCG Dungeon Deck Treasure Foils Choose Card Pull Down 1-60.

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Beastial Instinct C 1/60, Cover of the Light C 2/60, Earthen Guidance C 3/60, Executioner's Strikes C 4/60, Faithful Prayer C 5/60, Focused Flames C 6/60, Hand of Frost C 7/60, Nether Blast C 8/60, Poison Tipped C 9/60, Stargaze C 10/60, Bloodfang Berserker C 11/60, Crime Scene Alarm-o-Bot C 12/60, Lieutenant Horatio Laine U 13/60, Packleader Iver Bloodfang U 14/60, Scarlet Renegade C 15/60, Stormwind Investigator C 16/60, Deathstalker Commander C 17/60, Forsaken Blightspreader C 18/60, Forsaken Royal Dreadguard C 19/60, High Warlord Cromush U 20/60, Kagtha U 21/60, Shattered hand Assassin C 22/60, Admiral Ripsnarl R 23/60, Baron Ashbury R 26/60, Herod, the Scarlet Champion U 28/60, High Inquisitor Whitemane R 29/60, Mercenary Dominic U 31/60, Vanessa VanCleef R 33/60, Mining Monkey C 35/60, Prototype Reaper C 36/60, Aegis of the Scarlet Commander U 37/60, Chain of the Scarlet Crusader U 38/60, Defias Brotherhood Vast U 39/60, Phantom Armor C 40/60, Robes of Arugal U 41/60, Deadman's Hand C 42/60, Dog Whistle C 43/60, Fel Steed Saddlebags C 44/60, Arced War Axe U 45/60, Butcher's Cleaver C 46/60, Buzzer Blade U 47/60, Cookie's Tenderizer C 48/60, Emberstone Staff U 49/60, Hand of Righteousness C 50/60, Meteor Shard R 51/60, Morgraine's Might U 52/60, Odo's Ley Staff C 53/60, Battle for the Scarlet Monastery C 55/60, Smite's Reaver R 54/60, The Dark Side of the Light C 56/60, The Defias Kingpin C 57/60, The Deadmines R 58/60, Scarlet Monastery R 59/60, Shadowfang Keep R 60/60, Complete Commons Set, Complete Uncomon Set, Complete Rare Set