Detective Fiction Weekly Oct 13,1934 First David Goodis story; H. Landon Cvr story

Author: David Crewe, Edward Parrish Ware, Herman Landon, Howard McLellan, Hulbert Footner, Laurence Donovan, M. E. Ohaver, Paul Berdanier, Richard Hoagley Tingley, Stephen Terry, Tom Roan, William E. Benton
Terror Rides The Waves
     Herman Landon - Author
The Shape Of Murder
     David Crewe - Author

Year: 1934

Month: Oct

Day: 13

Features: This is believed to be David Goodis' first professional sale. It is the first Story listed by Adrian Wotton's authoritative bibliography on David Goodis. The story is "The Shape of Murder" by David Crewe (a.k.a. David Goodis)

Condition: Very Good - Fine: Water staining along top edge of front cover. Sharp intact spine. Light tan supple pages.
