Legend to the illustrations:

PUMP:  Fig. 1,2. Newenham's fire engine (AB = two pumps, LL = double lever, ab = pistons, R = reservoir, v = valve, WW = air vessel, PP' = pipe, E = cock), 3,4. Commonly used fire engine (LL = levers, CD = piston, EFD = cylindrical barrel, ED = barrel), 5,6. Perkin's new house for fire engines, 7-10. Various pumps by Ramelli and others (7. AB is a lever moving round C, CBF = box, 8. Wheel A with three spiral wings B,C,D, revolves around A, 9. the view is taken from the cabinet of Servier, AB = two revolving wheels CD = elliptical cistern, 10. same effect as fig. 9.), 11. Brown's vacuum engine (ab = cylinders, i = reservoir, ef = pipes, g = burners, hh = sliders, j = pipe, l = float, m = rod, nz = beam, o = cap, r = glass vessel, u = pipe, y = rod), 12. Mr. Hunter of Thurston's  self acting pump (A = cistern, BC = spring, D = waterproof metallic box, F = pipe, G = pipe, H = pipe, N = small light pan, L = valve, O = arm, Q = hole), 13. Button or tail valve, 14. Spherical valve.

Print  Specifics:

  • Type of print: Copperplate engraving - original antique print
  • Year of printing: not indicated in the print. The print came from the Edinburgh Encyclopedia published between 1808-1830 under the direction of Sir David Brewster. The last photo (not included in this offer) shows the publication schedule of individual volumes.
  • Condition: 1 (1. Excellent - 2. Very good - 3. Good - 4. Fair).
  • Overall Dimensions: 8 x 10.5 inches (20.5 x 26.5 cm).
  • Paper weight: 3 (1. Thick - 2. Heavier - 3. Medium heavy - 4. Slightly heavier - 5. Thin)
  • Reverse side: Blank
  • Notes: 1. Green color border around the print in the photo is a contrasting background on which the print was photographed. 2. The print detail is sharper than the photo of the print.
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