100 Pcs (FL048) Chinese Forget Me Not Flower Seeds- CYNOGLOSSUM BLUE- Cynoglossum amabile- Nomeolvides

Chinese forget-me-not, also called hound's tongue, is of special value for the clear, sky-blue color of the flowers. Chinese forget-me-not is a biennial most often grown as an annual. The plants grow to 2 feet tall with flowers appearing as sprays above the plant. The foliage is gray-green.

Cynoglossum amiable (or) Chinese Forget Me Not’s are one of the most adorable, delicate, treasured spring flowers that we grow. They are very similar in appearance to the old fashioned Forget Me Not’s you’ll find growing in woodland spots of the garden but this particular type makes a far better cut flower crop for a number of reasons.
First, Chinese Forget Me Not’s can be grown as an annual crop unlike the traditional biennial types which require a year or more to properly bloom.
Second, they have nice tall, sturdy stems that often reach 18″ or more. Perfect for bouquet work and solid bunches to the floral design trade.

Lastly they are extremely productive! As long as you keep on top of harvesting and don’t let the flowers run to seed, they will bloom for up to 6 weeks. I’ve had good success extending the flowering window by sowing two plantings of seed, a month apart so when the first crop finishes, there is another just coming into bloom.
Chinese Forget-Me-Not (Cynoglossum Amabile) - Sow some Cynoglossum Amabile seeds and enjoy this cheery little wild flower in your garden. Chinese Forget Me Nots have indigo-blue flower clusters on top of very erect stems and offer a nice contrast with the dark green leaves. This annual wild flower seed will grow quickly and bloom heavily.

Cynoglossum Amabile seeds germinate best if they are evenly spread into loosened bare ground and kept moist. Plant Chinese Forget Me Not seeds in fall where winters are mild (seldom dipping below 10 degrees) or sow the flower seeds in early spring in colder climates after frost season has passed and night time temperatures are starting to stay warm. Cover the flower seeds lightly with a quarter inch or less of good, quality of soil, and keep the wild flower seeds moist.
Before long you will have a beautiful display of wildflowers. Chinese Forget-Me-Nots are liberal self-sowers. They will drop their own flower seeds and be back the following spring. If self-seeding is not wanted, cut back the plants to the ground after flowering or tear the plants out.

Cynoglossum amabile
Family: Boraginaceae
Season & Zone
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
Zone: 2-10
Direct sow mid-winter (February on the coast) or start indoors late February to mid-March. Start 6-8 weeks before planting out. Direct sow again in autumn. Seeds will sprout in 5-10 days, particularly if you can maintain their optimal soil temperature of 18-24°C (65-75°F).

Sow seeds shallowly at 5mm (¼”) deep, and thin or space to 20-30cm (8-12″) apart. If starting indoors, keep seeds in total darkness until they sprout, and then provide bright light.
Ordinary, well-drained garden soil with a neutral to slightly acid pH range will work well. Weak plants result from rich soil. This species is well suited to xeriscaping. 
Height: 12 - 18 inches
Bloom Season: Spring and summer
Bloom Color: Blue
Environment: Full sun to partial shade
Soil Type: Well-drained, soil pH 6.0 - 7.0

Planting :
Temperature: 60F (15 C)
Average Germ Time: 15-20 days
Light Required: No
Depth: 1/4 inch
Moisture: Keep moist until germination
Plant Spacing: 6 - 12 inches