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 BEAUTIFUL OIL PAINTING      "Ned Kelly - Last Stand"  ..............  BY THE FABULOUS ARTIST DAVID ALDUS U.A 



                "Ned Kelly - Last Stand" by David Aldus U.A


A brand new powerful work capturing Ned Kelly's courageous last stand!!!


Kelly had become a legendary figure in Australia. Historian Geoffrey Serle called Kelly and his gang "The last expression of the lawless frontier in what was becoming a highly organised and educated society, the last protest of the mighty bush now tethered with iron rails to Melbourne and the world."

Despite the passage of more than a century, he remains a cultural icon, inspiring countless works in the arts, and is the subject of more biographies than any other Australian. Kelly continues to cause division in his homeland: some celebrate him as Australia's equivalent of Robin Hood, while others regard him as a murderous villain undeserving of his folk hero status. Journalist Martin Flanagan wrote:

"What makes Ned a legend is not that everyone sees him the same—it's that everyone sees him. Like a bushfire on the horizon casting its red glow into the night."







       Signed by Aldus




Highest price received for one of his paintings is £20,000. "Armada under attack from the English Fleet". Also £14,000 "Lot's Wife" Absolute investment opportunity!




 Measurements; 20 inches x 16 inches

 (50.8 cms x 40.6 cms) 


Oil on Canvas






 " An Amazing Blue Chip Investment Opportunity to Acquire an Original David Aldus U.A Painting" ..

Invest in one of our paintings, rather than risky bank investments, where you can actually touch your investment. Take pleasure in looking at it and watch it appreciate in value over the years!! Remember we guarantee every painting sold is unique, original e.g only one of it's kind in the world!!!

 Scarcity alone guarantees the investment  !!!!

Asgard Arts offers works of art which will not only look fantastic in your home or offices (One Investment Bank in particular has purchased paintings from us for their offices see Bull paintings) but will also be a sound financial investment for the future.  Art has long been regarded as a strong and safe investment.  Investment in paintings was discussed recently on Bloomberg television as a sound investment as a hard asset like Gold, Platinum Silver etc. Also Ellen Kelleher a personal finance journalist for The Financial Times recently wrote an article recommending the purchase of Art, particularly in the $500 - $50,000 range as a sound long term investment with an impressive current average annual increase of 9.7 percent.  Go to Latest Art news on Asgard Arts and see Hang your investments on the wall by Ellen Kelleher Published October 22 2010 in the Financial Times.

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                                 Ref only;Wikipedia; david aldus                                 

David Aldus the artist has exhibited with the Royal Society of British Artists ( R.B.A ); the Royal Institute of Oils (R.O.I); and the Royal Society of Marine Artists (R.S.M.A)  He has been nominated twice as a finalist in the Garrick/Milne prize exhibition held at Christies LONDON. His work has been selected for the Discerning Eye Exhibition by Art Critic, Edward Lucie Smith, where all his work was sold. At the same  Exhibition  he was awarded a special commendation for his brushwork. He also sold all his work at the Lambeth Palace when exhibiting under the auspices of the Royal Society of Marine Artists. At the Westminster Central Hall United Artists' Exhibition he won first prize for the best Oil painting!! Highest price received for one of his paintings is £20,000  "Armada under attack from english fleet", £14,000. "Lot's wife"  see . This painting was the same size as Turner's Hannibal crossing the Alps 5 foot by 8 foot. David Aldus also sold "A tribute to the people of Malta" that sold for £10,000. The same painting was the subject of a congratulatory letter from Queen Elizabeth II. Lord Lewin, Admiral of the Fleet also sent a letter of congratulations. He has held one or two-man shows at Knightsbridge; South Kensington; Windsor and numerous other venues. He has exhibited in Westminster Central Hall; Royal Festival Hall; Birmingham’s Royal British Artists exhibition; Victoria Art Gallery, Bath; Rooksmoor Gallery, Bath; London Guildhall; Mann Island, Liverpool; Christies, the London Auction House, etc.


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