200 Pcs  (FL129) Mexican Hat Sunflower Seeds- RATIBIDA COLUMNIFERA Perennial Deer Resistant Flower

Mexican Hat is the mahogany-red colored form of Prairie Coneflower that blooms from mid-summer into fall. A good naturalizing wildflower, it attracts bees and butterflies. Drought resistant/drought tolerant plant (xeric).

Ratibida (Ratibida Columnifera Mexican Hat) - Mexican Hat is a fast-growing wildflower that is not fussy about soils and is easy to grow from Ratibida seeds. The flowers are showy and have a unique look! The blooms are sombrero-shaped, with red to yellow petals drooping down, and a central brownish red cone.
Plant Spacing:
18 inches
USDA Zones:
3 - 9
65F (18 C)

Planting Guides
Growing Ratibida (Prairie Coneflower)

Ratibida (Prairie Coneflower) are a showy group of summer-blooming native wildflowers. These xeric perennials provide seed for seed-eating songbirds. These plants are deer resistant.
Preferred growing conditions:
They grow easily in all types of soil including dry clay. (i,e, clay soil in high spots, hillsides, raised beds).
Prairie Coneflower benefits from mulching in hot, dry climates and is amenable to most common types of mulch including crushed gravel in xeriscapes.
They are xeric (waterwise) and after becoming well established during their second growing season do best with deep but infrequent watering.
Plant in full, hot sun
Just a few handfuls of compost and Yum Yum Mix in the planting hole is enough. It’s not necessary to plant into a rich, highly amended soil.
Special comments:
Deadhead to prolong blooming. But be sure to leave some seed heads to ripen as Prairie Coneflower are good plants for naturalizing and re-seed themselves when happy.
Garden care:
Fertilize Ratibida once in fall with Yum Yum Mix and Planters II.
Leave them standing over the winter months to provide a source of seed for seed eating songbirds. Cut back to 1-2” above the ground in early to mid-spring.