100 Pcs (V056)  Organic Heirloom White Onion-ALLIUM CEPA

Onion "Alibaba" (Allium cepa) is a white, tenderly tasting, storable variety that displays high productivity. It ripens medium late, as it takes 60 - 100 days from sow to harvest. The bulbs this variety produces are round and weigh 80 - 100 g. They are covered with white, tight scale. The flesh takes on similar colour and is medium compact and very juicy. Peeling those onions is not necessary because of the white colour of both the flesh and outer scale. Thanks to this feature this onion is commonly used in food processing industry, mostly dried due to the high dry mass content. Tender taste and nice appearance convince people to consume "Alibaba" bulbs directly.

We advise to sow onion seeds to the ground as early as possible. Start the cultivation from March until April. This plant is rather demanding in regard to the soil. You should grow it in fertile soil with high humus and nutrient content. It is also important that the field is properly cultivated and the soil permeable and sufficiently moist. "Alibaba" onions are harvested from July to September.

How to Grow Onions (Allium cepa) :

A culinary staple, onions are an essential vegetable in American gardens. Onions, like other members of the Allium family, are biennials, producing seeds in their second year of growth. The bulb (or common) onion has brown, yellow, or red skin and is round, elongated, or flattened. Bunching onions (or scallions) are harvested small.

 When/How to Start Indoors:
 Plant onion seeds indoors 8–10 weeks before transplanting them outside just before the average last frost date in your area. Seeds should be sown ¼ inch deep. Onions require an open and sunny site, fertile soil, and good drainage. 

Time to Germination: Seeds will germinate in 4 to 10 days when started indoors. 

When to Transplant: Transplant outdoors just before the last frost.

 Spacing Requirements: When transplanting your seedlings, space them at least 6 inches apart. Plant onion seedlings in the least weedy part of your garden; onion seedlings are small and do not compete well with weeds. 

Special Considerations: Before the last frost, make a large furrow in your soil, at least 4 inches deep . Water this furrow before planting your seedlings to make transplanting easier.

 Common Pests and Diseases (and how to manage): Several bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases can affect onion growth. Insect pests can also be a problem to various degrees in different parts of the United States. Plant your onions in a well-drained space. Diseases and fungi such as Fusarium basal rot, white rot, and Botrytis neck rot can affect crops in storage. Crop rotation can help prevent these diseases.

 Harvest (when and how): The tops of bulb onion plants fall over naturally once the bulbs have matured. When half of the tops in a planting have fallen over, lift all of the bulbs and place the pulled plants in a warm, dry place (away from direct sunlight) to cure.

 Eating: Onions have limitless potential in the kitchen and are indispensable for flavoring savory dishes. Onions can be roasted, fried, pickled, sautéed, and combined into dishes in dozens of other ways. Bunching onions, especially, are perfect for salads, pastas, and soups. Onion jam or compote is a great way to use a flush of red onions that will not store as well as white or yellow onions.

 Storing: Cure onions for two to three weeks after harvesting by storing them in a warm place away from direct sunlight. When the onions feel paper-dry on the outside, clip off the tops and roots, and lightly brush off loose soil before storing the onions in a cool, dry place. Arrange them in a single layer or hang them in mesh bags. Always handle onions very carefully; the slightest bruise will encourage rot. Cured onions will store for 6–8 months in a root cellar or cool basement.