50 Pcs  ( V062)  Organic Spineless Clemson Okra Seeds-Very Easy to grow- Matures in 56 Days-Delicious-Abelmoschus esculentus

Abelmoschus esculentus. By far the most popular cultivated variety of okra, Clemson Spineless Okra Organic is an heirloom that won the AAS prize back in 1939. Over a short period in the heat of summer, plants will grow quickly to 1.2m (4'), and are covered in edible, cream coloured flowers. These are followed by meaty, strongly flavoured pods that add brilliant texture to relishes and chutneys, but also complement stews, soups, and gumbo. Plants really are spineless, and are very easy to grow.
Award winner
Productive, spineless plants
A much loved heirloom variety
Thrives in hot weather
Matures in 56 days

The pods make a delicious addition to soup and stews – we suggest rolling pods in corn-meal batter, then frying. Also known as Gumbo. Okra thrives in warm soil and warm weather and is in the same family as both hibiscus and hollyhocks. The 4-8 cm (2-3″) wide white-to-yellow coloured flowers resemble hibiscus and as such, they also make a nice low maintenance ornamental. Okra is extremely heat and drought tolerant and can grow to 120 cm (48″) in height. Annual.

Ablemoschus esculentus
Family: Malvaceae

Season: Warm season
Exposure: Full sun
Zone: 3 and up
Direct sow starting in late June, once the soil has really warmed up. Okra seeds can also be started in peat pots or soil blocks, and will benefit from the extra heat of a greenhouse or cold frame. Optimal soil temperature: 24-32°C (75-90°F). Damping off and seed decay are more likely in soil below 21°C (70°F).
Buy new seeds each year, and speed up the typically slow germination process by soaking seeds overnight in tepid water. Sow seeds 1cm (½”) deep. Thin to 30-45cm (12-18″) apart in rows 60-90cm (24-36″) apart.
Ideal pH: 6.0-7.0. Use light, loamy, well-drained soil with ample organic matter dug in, and choose a sunny, warm spot. Raised beds work well. Once hot weather arrives, okra plants grow with surprising vigour. Keep them growing steadily with even irrigation and regular applications of balanced organic fertilizer to the surface of the soil around plants.
Harvest pods while they are just 6-8cm (2½-3″) long. Pods become tough at larger sizes. Harvest as long as plants produce, and freeze unused pods either whole or cut.

Briefly: How to Grow
 Soak seed in tepid water overnight before sowing directly outdoors in late May/early June in a sunny site. Plant seed 1 cm (3/8″) deep and 2.5 cm (1″) apart in rows 90 cm (36″) apart. Wide separation of rows is essential to prevent disease during hot, humid days. Thin seedlings to 45 cm (1.5′) apart in the row. Irrigation is essential for best pod development. Okra flowers 60 days or so after germination. Pods form and grow quickly. Remove pods when at desired size. Pods are ready to harvest 10 days after flowering or even sooner in hot weather. Old gristly pods should be picked off as they are not palatable and inhibit formation of new pods.