300 Pcs Organic ( V072) Calabrese Broccoli Seeds-BRASSICA OLERACEA- Italian Green

Calabrese broccoli is also known as Italian green and is the most-common variety of broccoli in the United States. Its signature main head is surrounded by several side shoots that resemble a very compact, green flower. A cool-season vegetable, calabrese broccoli is a fine fall and winter planting project that yields delicious results.

Clear a sunny spot for the broccoli to grow and if you planted broccoli the prior year, choose a different spot in your garden as it should not be grown in the same place less than every four years. Because broccoli begins to bolt – or flower – in hot weather, seeds should be planted about 85 to 100 days before your typical first frost for winter broccoli or two to three weeks before your last frost for spring broccoli.

Till the area for planting with a garden shovel or tiller. If you use a shovel, insert the spade fully into the earth to remove the soil and turn it over. Continue this process until the soil is loose and free from heavy clods.

Layer compost mixed with soil across the top of the native soil until the layer is about 2 to 4 inches thick. Till the soils together until they are combined and the ideal planting medium is ready for the seeds. When working with any soil amendments or compost, wear gloves to protect your hands.

Insert a chopstick or your finger into the soil about 1/2 inch deep every 2 to 4 inches apart. If you are planning to have several rows of broccoli, they should be about 18 to 24 inches apart.

Place one seed in each hole and cover with a thin layer of soil, about 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick.

Water the seeds with a watering can or a sprayer on gentle pressure so you don’t disturb the seeds.

Water the plants every four to seven days, depending on rainfall, as roccoli prefers moist soil. Avoid watering the heads once they form.

Mulch around the new plants to retain soil moisture and to keep the earth cool.

Spread row covers above the broccoli plants. Brassica are sensitive to pests, so the cover may be placed directly on top of the plants, or the ends can be staked and the edges held down with soil.

Cut calabrese broccoli from the stem when the heads are dark green, compact and about 5 to 6 inches in diameter, which is about 60 to 90 days from planting. Smaller heads around the central head can be harvested for several weeks following the main harvest.
Fertilize the broccoli with a fertilizer rich in nitrogen, calcium and potassium about three weeks after the broccoli shoots surface.
Calabrese broccoli thrives in slightly acidic soil that has a pH of 6 to 6.8.
Broccoli is high in vitamins C and A.