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Description of this item

Ignition car parts Ltd are one of the largest suppliers of car parts in the UK we have a full range of car parts for classic and modern vehicles, 

We have a test and repair service for distributors coils and modules. 

Please note this only fits AcDelco distributors we can supply kits for all other type

New electronic conversion kits to change any distributor from Points to electronic ignition, 

our easy to fit kits take just 5 minutes to fit 

Improved Fuel economy and starting

No extra wiring

Simple instructions

Please make sure coil is 1.5 to 3 ohms

Make sure + side of coil is Live

connect the Red wire to the + side

and the Black to the - side of the coil


Please send us your registration number and car details if you are not sure this part fits your car

Electronic ignition kit Delco Bedford Vauxhall 1.8 2.0 2.3 Slant engine UK Stock
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