Mother Earth News February March 2014

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Cover Story – 65 Self-Reliance Tips That Will Save You Money – Apply DIY approach to any facet of your life and you can start saving today.


Grow More Food in Less Space (With the Least Work!) – Blending the best principles of biointensive and square-foot gardening will yield a highly productive growing system.

Wonderful Wheat: Why This Ancient Staple Is Still Good For You – Learn which factors determined flavor, best uses and nutrition.

No 1 Expert Shares Organic Potato Tips – In this exclusive interview, professional potato producer Jim Gerritsen gives the full scoop on successfully growing and storing.

Heritage Backyard Chickens – Discover the advantages of heritage chickens and select the breeds that fit your needs.

How to Calculate Gas Mileage – If you want to save money on gas, the best first step is to keep tabs on your vehicle’s mpg.

The Dirt on Composters – If you dig composting and want a tidy setup, hide your heap inside one of these bins or tumblers endorsed by our readers.

Homemade Herbal Medicines – Simple and safe, these powerhouse plant remedies can help you heal on a shoestring.

Making a Green Choice: Childfree Living – One woman reflects on the pros and cons of choosing not to bear children.


Mother Earth News Online – A-to-Z guide to herbs; Winter squash recipes; DIY beekeeping equipment; Launch a market- gardening business; Grow leeks; Adventures in upcycling; Meet our Real Food bloggers

News From Mother – A new way to meet your neighbors

Beautiful and Abundant: The Ties That Bind – More and more people—from both right and left of the political spectrum—are finding common ground in sustainable, self-reliant living.

Dear Mother – Seeking stories of debt-free homes and inspiring homesteaders; Praise for the Vegetable Garden Planner; Envisioning an ideal population; Insulate with bagged leaves; A Mother0inspired career change

Green Gazette – Fracking  and our food supply; Bee-killing chemicals in Nursery plants; Propane mowers; Blight-resistant tomato varieties; Keystone XL pipeline; Bike –sharing programs

Real Food – Olive oil: when to splurge, when to save; Olive oil cake and appetizer recipes; How to make use homemade vinegar; Infused vinegar recipes

Crop at a Glance: Fruit Trees – From cold-hardy apples and cherries to semi-tropical citrus fruits, no plants give sweeter returns than fruit trees. Learn the basics to get your home orchard going today.

Homestead Know-How: Guide to Waterfowl – Ducks and geese are low-maintenance birds that provide fresh eggs, homegrown meat and pest control, even down for cozy homemade comforters.

Country Lore: Readers’ Tips to Live By – Hand a glass jar chandelier; Curt onions without crying; Nutshell kindling; Home grain mills ;DIY laundry soap recipe; Handmade Valentine’s Day gifts’ Build a treadmill desk

Ask Our Experts – Understanding “Certified Organic” labels; Safely relocate with animals; Best electric bicycle brands; Preventing illness form airplane travel; Heat-tolerant tomato varieties

EarthWords – Charles Dickens