Aladdin Souvenir Sheet from Guyana.  The Sheet depicts Aladdin's Grand Procession through  the streets of Agrabah as Prince Ali Ababwa.  Sheet is from 1993.

Walt Disney and the characters he created have entertained generations.  A number of countries, including the United States, have issued Disney Souvenir Sheets that capture the brilliance of Disney’s original art works.  The beauty of the Disney Souvenir sheet is it allows appreciation of the artwork that the stamp was designed from.   Disney souvenir sheets can be collected in a number of ways:  by Character (Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Stitch, etc.), by Theme: (Christmas, sports, historical settings, etc.), by Movie: (Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, etc.), or in any way that appeals to the individual.  A collection may be framed and displayed (my personal preference), or collected in a stamp collection.  Country is unimportant (unless that is the way you wish to collect) as the Disney art work portrayed in the souvenir stamp is meant to be enjoyed.  All stamps are copy write by the Disney organization and insure the integrity of the design on the stamp.  Enjoy! 


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