An Unconventional Werewolf Sleaze-Fest from Pasquale Fanetti' aka Frank De Niro
original Italian title: LYCANTROPUS
NTSC signal for any US / CANADA standard DVD player
Attention !!!! European & Australian PAL machine or PAL Blu-ray DOES NOT PLAY this disc.
an Italian film w/ English subtitles
running time: 75 min.  
aspect: widescreen (16:9)

Prince Daniel, a lord with the lycantropus curse who - despite the physical degeneration caused by his infection - slips away from the castle on nights of the full moon to attack and rape unsuspecting females.

director: Pasquale Fanetti (as Robert Fani) aka Frank De Niro
starring: Edelweiss · Denis Gruia · Corneliu Gipa · Aureliu Surulescu · Dumitru Rucareanu
