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Clean, protect, brighten and polish the wood or Bakelite finish on your antique radio in one easy application with QAR-Glayze. This is the same polish we use on all of our finished antique radio cabinets to achieve a beautiful, fast drying, non-greasy high luster shine unmatched by any store bought polishes. Watch as the finish brightens immediately! It also repels dust and absorbs harmful UV rays. Comes in 2oz bottles -QualityAntiqueRadios

This special formulated glayze works great on varnished, lacquered or enameled wood surfaces as well as Bakelite, metal, leather, glass, porcelain, Formica and linoleum surfaces.

Directions: Clean surface. Shake well. Pour a small quantity of QAR-Glayze on a clean, soft, lint free cloth and rub onto surface as you would any normal polish. When using on stainless steel or Formica apply with a damp sponge. Use sparingly. Does not require excessive rubbing. Previously waxed & oil polished surfaces can cause smudging because of build up. If so, remove with mild detergent and warm water before applying QAR-Glayze. Do not apply to flat sheen painted surfaces.