If you want to buy the best Sweet Sweat products on eBay then you’ve come to the right place! Don’t just take our word for it, take a look at our stunning reviews and feedback. 

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What is a Sweet Sweat 3.5oz jar?

Sweet Sweat 3.5oz Jar is a cream that will help you get the most out of your workouts. Simply apply to the skin right before exercise and with your elevated heart rate, Sweet Sweat will begin to activate, producing an increase in circulation and sweating to all areas applied. Targets "slow to respond", injured & problem areas and promotes additional sweating and motivation

Accelerates warm-up & recovery time, fights muscle and feet fatigue as well as painful injuries, such as shin splints, pulls, and strains. The Sweet Sweat natural fragrance will keep you smelling fresh during and after your workout.

Key benefits:
  • Naturally scented
  • Maximise the results
  • Safe and easy to use
  • Enhance your workout
  • Target “Slow Respond” Area
  • Clean Fresh Scent

White Snow Petrolatum, Kosher Brazilian Carnauba Wax, Acai, Pomegranate, Coconut oils, Kosher Jojoba, Camelina, Squalane oils, Aloe Vera Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Fragrance.


Apply an ample amount to desired areas without rubbing into the skin. Sweet Sweat can be applied anytime before or during your workout and can be used under workout clothing, in a sauna and also while swimming. 

To remove, use a towel to remove the product and then shower with warm water and soap. For maximum results make sure you leave Sweet Sweat on during your cool down period.

Safety information:
Important Note: Using Sweet Sweat over any topical cream or lotion will inhibit results. Keep out of direct sunlight. Product may liquefy at temperatures above 95 F. If this occurs place at room temperature until product hardens. Before beginning any vigorous exercise program you should always consult your doctor.

If you have any questions about the product, feel free to send us a message and we’ll do our absolute best to help!

WARNING: We are an authorised stockist for Sports Research based in the UK. There are a lot of unauthentic items for Sports Research across eBay and other online marketplaces. Please be wary of this when looking at cheaper prices of these products