Mexican SciFi / Fantasy
original Mexican title: GIGANTES PLANETARIOS   
NTSC playable on any standard US/Canada DVD machine
a black&white Mexican film w/ English subtitles
running time: 88 min. uncut 
aspect: fullscreen (4:3) 
if you liked PLANET OF THE FEMALE INVADERS (1966), this is a must see film.  Alfredo B Crevenna directed both film; this one was made before FEMALE INVADERS

director: Alfredo B Crevenna
starring: Guillermo Murray · Adriana Roel · Rogelio Guerra · Jose Angel Espinosa · Irma Lozano


after a series of fatal ray-gun attacks from a flying saucer [the first vaporizing a spear-carrying black guy in Africa, followed by a white cowboy getting pulverized in Arizona and then an indestructible 'Frankenstein' running wild in Mexico], the government sends Dr Daniel to 'the planet of the eternal night' to fight the ruler who has been masterminding the threats to earth.