Print  Specifics:
  • Type of print: Steel engraving (Intaglio) - Original German antique print
  • Year of printing: not indicated in the print - actual 1844
  • Publisher: Georg Heck
  • Condition: 2-3 (1. Excellent - 2. Very good - 3. Good - 4. Fair). Generally commensurable with the age of print. Light signs of handling. Few light brownish spots/areas/smudges mostly in blank margins. Please examine the photos for extent.
  • Dimensions: 9 x 11.5 inches (23 x 39 cm), including blank margins (borders) around the images.
  • Paper weight: 2-3 (1. Thick - 2. Heavier - 3. Medium heavy - 4. Slightly heavier - 5. Thin)
  • Reverse side: Blank
  • Note: 1. Green color 'border' around the print in the photo is a contrasting background on which the print was photographed. 2. Print detail is much sharper than the photo of the print.
Legend to the illustrations in the print:
Anatomy of the fasciae (fig. 1-22: 1. cervical fascia, the platysma myoides supposed to be removed, 2. middle layer of the cervical fascia, 3. deep-seated layer, 4. layer descending anterior to the vertebral column, 5. axillary fascia, 6. Aponeuric tissue of the eyelids, 7. cross section of the right arm at about the lower third of the deltoid muscle, showing the intermuscular laminae of the brachial fascia, 8. cross section of the right forearm at about the middle, for the same purpose, 9. Cross-section of right thigh, 10. Cross-section of the leg, 11. Rectus abdominalis, 12. suspensory ligament of the penis, 13. sheath of the femoral vessels, 14. fascia of the posterior face of the obliquus externus abdominis, 15. superficial perinaeal fascia, 16. cut edge of the superficial perinaeal fascia, 17. crural ring, 18. brachial fascia, 19. carpal ligament, 20. Fascia of the leg, 21. Cross ligament of the foot, 22. Plantar aponeurosis), anatomy of the integuments (fig. 23-26: 24. vertical section of the skin showing its microscopical structure, 25. vertical section of the thumb to exhibit the insertion of the nail, 26. body of the thumb nail), anatomy of the organs of mastication and deglutition (fig. 27-30: 27. Dorsum, 29. Salivary glands, 30. The cavity of the mouth) and the organs of respiration and voice (fig. 31-38: 31. Pharynx opened from behind, 32. thyroid cartilage, 33. cricoid c., 34. arytenoid c., 37. larynx from before, 38. larynx from behind).

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