DAO deficiency Is an alteration in the metabolism of food DAOfood® is a food for special medical uses that is used in the dietary management of the deficiency of the enzyme Diamine Oxidase (DAO) when the predominant symptoms are digestive, such as: constipation, diarrhea, abdominal distension, heavy digestion, gastric acidity, syndrome of  irritable bowel and cyclical vomiting syndrome, cutaneous: atopic skin, dry skin and dermatitis, and rheumatological: fibromyalgia and generalized musculoskeletal pain.

DAOfood® Diamine Oxidase (DAO) complements the body's own enzyme, which is responsible for metabolizing histamine.  Taking 1 mini-tablet of DAOfood® before each meal increases the amount of DAO in the small intestine and, therefore, the ability to break down histamine.  This accelerates the processing in the digestive tract of histamine present in food, which is the trigger for symptoms.