Stamp of RUSSIA 2019 - Russian Flora Strains of Apple Trees. (4 stamps) 2456-2459

The apple tree is one of the most ancient fruit crops; it came to Russia in the X-XI centuries from Byzantium. Already in the XII century, by order of Yuri Dolgoruky, the first gardens were laid in the vicinity of Moscow.
Due to the availability of varieties with summer, autumn and winter ripening, apple fruits can be eaten throughout the year, and processed apple products (jams, jam, mashed potatoes, juices, vinegar, compote, etc.) have always been in high demand by consumers.

The stamps depict apple tree varieties: Bogatyr, White filling, Antonovka ordinary, Orlik.

Shipping and handling: International regular mail - 3.50$ Registered mail is 8.50$

Combined shipping available - NO extra charge for additional stamps/ FDCs.