Garden Design August September 2002

CONDITION  Good, unmarked pages, reading wear, address marked out



Hot Pots – Container gardening from high art to smart growing: 30 design tips, containers and container plants we love. By Joanna Fortnam with Sarah Kinbar

Urban Cool – Qualities reminiscent of the Far East take root in  this Atlanta Garden created by David Ellis. By David Bennett McMullin

Their L.A. Story – A conceptual artist and a first-time designer come up woth a garden that’s a tapestry of color and texture, and a “delightful jumble.” By Ivette Soler

Splendor On The Table – Whether zany, moody or dripping with opulence, each of these 19 tablecloths sets the tone for a festive outdoor occasion. By Donna Dorian

Summer Survivors – Senior adviser Ken Druse offers a word to the water-wise and a glimpse into his own summer-surviving garden. Plus 25 surprisingly drought-resistant plants.


From The Editor – The pleasures of pot- ’em-and-forget -’em container gardening.

Dirt – Plants we hate. Funky things bulbs do Chelsea Flower Show. Fashionable furniture. And more.

Growing – Spectacular late perennials: Japanese anemone, azure monkshood and the favorite of bees and butterflies, Joe Pye Weed.

Spaces – New York artist Catherine Howe escapes from the confines of Manhattan to the roomy plushness of her country garden.

Style – Cutting-edge outdoor lights keep your garden “open 24 hours.”

Sage Advice – Which low creepers for a rock walkway. Online plant finding. Mulching an avocado tree.

Edibles – don’t overlook zucchini—not that you could. Delicious and beautiful dishes for late summer.

Travel – Stepping off London’s beaten garden path can seem daunting. A little planning will lead to the wonderful Borders Country.

Access –More information about plants, products and destinations in this issue.

Details – Award-winning garden designer George Carter’s stylish yet informal garden-tool gate.