STAMP OF RUSSIA 2020 - European brown bear & Asian black bear. (2 stamps) 2717 - 2718

The European brown bear (Latin Ursus arctos arctos) is a subspecies of the brown bear found in most of Eurasia. The bear has brown fur that ranges from yellow-brown to dark brown, red-brown and in some cases almost black. The head is usually fairly round, with relatively small, rounded ears, a broad skull, and a mouth with 42 teeth. It has a strong bone structure and large paws with claws that can be up to 10 cm long. Life expectancy ranges from 20 to 30 years in the wild.

The Asian black bear (Latin Ursus thibetanus) is one of the animal species now listed on the IUCN RED LIST. It lives in areas of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, South Siberia in Russia, Northeast China, Korea, Taiwan and Japan, and is endangered. The bear has various white or cream "V" markings on the chest. The paws are short with 5 toes and sharp curved claws, which help the animal when climbing trees, rocks and mountains. The eyes are small, vision and hearing are weak, but the sense of smell is very sensitive. The average life span of an animal is about 30 years.

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