Music for health and wellness. Transcend small worries and leave stress behind. Like the healing hands of massage or the calm reflection of yoga, music has the power to slow your body rhythms, and bring your mind and spirit down to a state of Inner Peace. Relax, and release your thoughts from the fast pace and pressures of life. Use the rich textures of piano and guitar to calm your mind as you begin your musical descent. soothing cello, quiet breezes through wind chimes, and cymbal brushes continue to slow your heart rate and breathing until you are at that point of letting go. Find your Inner Peace.
  1. Breath Deeply
  2. Journey Inward
  3. Surrendering
  4. Passages
  5. A Road Less Traveled
  6. Counterbalance
  7. Inner Focus
  8. Centering
  9. Serenity
  10. Inner Peace