Natural Rough Selenite Crystal Sticks Wands 5 lb BULK Wholesale Selenite Logs

9"-10" Long Selenite Crystal Pieces

Selenite is a very powerful, cleansing crystal, a crystallized form of gypsum, use Selenite crystals for cleansing and protection since selenite crystals shield a person or space from outside influences.Use these natural selenite crystal wands as cleansing logs or a charging plate block - place other crystals on top of selenite crystal to amplify it's energy or use natural selenite in crystal grids around your home or in the corners of a room to create a safe, peaceful space. Selenite crystal's Metaphysical Properties; Spiritual Activation  - Communion with Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Angels Spiritually use selenite crystals for - Facilitating auric cleansing - Activating Upper Chakras - spiritual attunement - Clearing energy blocks - inner alignmentThe powerful vibration of Selenite crystal can clear, open, activate the Crown chakra and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of spiritual work, reiki practices

Pictures above are of pieces very similar to the ones you will get in this lot, but not the exact ones. You will get 5 pounds of selenite crystal, which is about 6-10pcs, however the number of pieces does vary depending on the width and thickness of the pieces - no matter what you will get at least 5 lbs of selenite and each stick will be about 9"-10" long. There is no guarantee on the number of pieces you will receive, however the weight is guaranteed.

I am very passionate about crystals & feel lucky I have been able to help spread the beauty & healing abilities of these amazing crystals & jewelry. I personally make or pick out each piece from the people who made it. I ensure every piece is respected, treated with love, & care. Before shipping to you I also make sure to clear all energies & charge the crystals. Please take note that as with any natural creation there may be some slight size or color variation, as well as inclusions, pits or tiny cracks - these give the stones personality just like us -they are imperfect in their perfect nature! It is my pleasure to be able to do this as a business & pass on these amazing "gems" to others. Please feel free to send me any questions you may have - don't forget to check out my other items for all kinds of deals & savings on orders that contain more than one item - Thanks!

Mystic Mana Crystals & Jewelry Store  - browse all my beautiful handmade jewelry or check out more Selenite items to be sure you get the best deal on your order $$ BUY MORE SAVE MORE $$ Thanks!