Is Seeing Believing?

This optical Illusion is the perfect "ice-breaker" when you are trying to find a way to talk to someone about the Gospel. If you tip the tract forward, you can see John 3:36 is formed by the straight lines.

This tract is Scripturally sound. This tract uses several Bible verses to present the Gospel. It also has a Sinner?s Prayer on the back, just in case someone you give it to wishes to pray to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour, but can?t quite find the words.

This auction is for 100 of the tracts pictured in this auction. If you would like larger quantities of this tract, please message us.

All proceeds from this sale go to Make It Clear Ministries and we are Pay Pal Verified!


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Here are some suggestions for this tract:

-Give it to someone you have just met as a conversation piece

-Give it to friends or family members who do not usually like to hear about the Gospel

-Give it to co-workers. Tell them it is a novelty you found and thought they might enjoy.

-Leave it on a park bench or restaurant table for someone to find

-Leave it with your tip when you eat at a restaurant. (Please leave a decent/good tip please)

The inside and back of this tract read as follows:

There are many things we can?t see such as the wind, the human mind, love, hate, and sin. You can?t see them, but they are there and you know they are real. We can see their effects in the world. Belief in God is similar. We can?t see Him because He is a spirit, but we can see his power and results.

The man who searched the heavens with a telescope and complained that he couldn?t see God wouldn?t be able to see a mind if he searched the brain with a microscope. Many people say that they won?t believe in God because they can?t see Him or talk to Him. Yet, there are other people that not only believe in Him, but they have a personal relationship with Him and they know that they will live with God in heaven for all eternity.

There are many religions in the world, but there is only one way to have a relationship with God. It is found in the Bible. Just like the optical illusion on the cover, the truth is there if you can see it. When you first look at it, it looks like just a bunch of lines going in every direction without any rhyme or reason. But it?s the best news in the world.

"He that hath the Son hath life, He that hath not the son shall not see life..." John 3:36

Either you see it or you don?t. But either way, remember this. God loves you and wants to have you come to live with Him in Heaven, but there is a problem. It?s called sin. A sin can be something you do, something that you don?t do but you should, or it can be thoughts that you shouldn?t be having. The Bible tells us that everyone sins (Romans 3:23). This presents a problem since Heaven is a perfect place and God will not allow a single sin into Heaven (Revelation 21:27). God can?t let sin into Heaven or there would be sickness and death there just like there is here on earth. Our sins have to be paid for in order for us to be able to get into Heaven. So what can we do about it? We can?t do anything since no amount of good works that we try to do would make up for the sin in our lives. The Bible tells us that our very best that we can offer God are like filthy rags in His sight. (Isaiah 64:6)

But God had a plan. He put on human flesh in the form of Jesus Christ. He lived a perfect sinless life so he didn?t have the sin problem that we have. Then He died on the cross to make the payment for our sins (I Corinthians 5:21).

Jesus rose from the dead to prove that He actually paid for our sins. If one single sin had not been paid for, Jesus could not have raised Himself from the dead (Romans 4:25). The Bible says that if you believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him as your Saviour that you can have everlasting life. The Greek word for believe means to put your trust in, to rely upon, or to depend upon. Put your trust in Him and accept payment that he made on the cross for you.

The Bible tells us that when we accept the payment that Jesus made for us and accept Him as our Saviour that we become children of God. God will be your father and you will be His child (John 1:12). As your Father, He will watch over you and your life. If you will listen to Him, He will guide and teach you what you need to know. When you do things wrong, He will punish you just like any good parent would do. But the great thing about God is that He will always love you and your punishment will never be Hell.

Friend, don?t put off your salvation. The Bible tells us that today is the day to take care of eternity. Ti tells us that now is the time to do it (I Corinthians 6:2). You have no guarantee that you will live to see tomorrow.

Here is a sample prayer for you to accept Jesus as your Saviour:

Dear Lord,

I know that I am a sinner, and that there is no way that I can get myself into Heaven. I know that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, and I am accepting the payment that Have made for me. Please forgive me of my sins and allow me to live with you in Heaven someday. God I thank you for forgiving me. Please help me to serve you in my daily life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen