Thank You Tracts!

This Thank You Tract is a great tract that can help to show your appreciation to someone that helps you out. What better way to say thank you than to give the gift for them to know how to go to Heaven. 

This tract is Scripturally sound. This tract uses several Bible verses to present the Gospel. It also has a Sinner's Prayer on the back, just in case someone you give it to wishes to pray to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour, but can't quite find the words.

This auction is for 100 of the tracts pictured in this auction. If you would like larger quantities of this tract, please message us.

All proceeds from this sale go to Make It Clear Ministries and we are Pay Pal Verified!


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Here are some suggestions for this tract:

-Leave it on a park bench or restaurant table for someone to find

-Leave it with your tip when you eat at a restaurant. (Please leave a good tip)

-Leave it on a countertop in the hotel room when you check out.

-Give it to the bus driver when you take public transportation.

The inside and back of this tract read as follows:


Thank you! You have performed a service for me and I wish to thank you. The best way I can think of is to tell you about the best news in the world. It has changed my life and I hope and pray that it will change your life as well! The news I wish to share is how you can KNOW for sure that you are going to Heaven when you die.


You may be surprised to find out that you don't have to go through this life wondering if things will work out and you will go to Heaven... or if you will mess things up and spend eternity in Hell. I am not talking about religion. I am talking about having a relationship with the God that created the Heavens and the earth. God is the creator of all things and people but He is only the Father of those who accept His way to Heaven. Getting into Heaven is not as complicated as some people think it is. If you want to go to Heaven then you must first realize a few things. The first thing you must understand is that every person is a sinner. We all need to be saved from our sins. The Bible tells us “There is none righteous, no not one.” (Romans 3:10) This presents a problem for us because Romans 6:23 tells us that “the wages of sin is death.” Wages are what you earn. When you have a job, you earn so much an hour or so much per job. Your company gives you a paycheck with the amount you have earned for the job you have performed. The wage that you earn for committing any sin is death.

Not only does a person die a physical death, but if nothing is done about your sin, you will spend eternity in Hell; separated from God and everything that you love. This is known as spiritual death. Spiritual death is much worse than physical death because it goes on forever. This is something that God does not want for us, so He made a way for us to be forgiven.

God came to earth in the form of Jesus Christ and lived a perfect sinless life. Because of this perfect life, He was able to take the punishment for our sins. He did this by dying on the cross to pay for all of our sins. If you will accept the payment that Jesus made on the cross, you can go to Heaven when you die. God tells us in Ephesians 2:8,9 “For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: It is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

Verse 8 tells us that we are saved by God's grace. Grace is getting something that we don't deserve. No one deserves Heaven, we all deserve Hell. We are saved through faith in Jesus and the payment that He made on the cross for our sins. We are NEVER saved by anything that we can do ourselves (works). This is the GIFT of God if we will accept it from Him

A gift is something that someone gives to us. When you have a birthday you receive gifts from people. You don't pay or work for them. If you did they wouldn't be gifts. You simply have to accept the gift for it to be yours. No amount of good works that you could do can help you to get into Heaven. Verse 9 tells us that if you could do something to help yourself to get into Heaven, that you would be able to boast about it.

1 John 5:13 tells us “These things have I written unto you that BELIEVE on the name of the Son of God; that you may KNOW that you have eternal life...” The word for believe in the original Greek means to put your trust in, to rely upon, or to depend upon. When you accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and the payment that He made on the cross for your sins, you are depending on Him to take you to Heaven, not yourself... Then, God gives you eternal life.


Here is a sample prayer for you to accept Jesus as your Saviour.

Dear Lord,

I know I am a sinner, and that I can never be good enough to get myself into Heaven. I know that Jesus Died on the cross for my sins, and the best I know how, I am accepting the payment that He made for me. Please forgive me of my sins and allow me to live with you in Heaven someday. God, I thank you for forgiving me. Please help me to serve you in my daily life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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Written by Brother Hugh Troyer