Aragorns Necklace from The Lord of The Rings

Beauitful replica of Aragorn's Necklace gifted to him by Arwen Evenstar.

An exceptional lord of the rings gift for any true fan. Perfect self-treat for yourself or loved one.

During Aragorn's twentieth year, he met Arwen for the first time in Rivendell, where he lived under Elrond's protection. Arwen, then over 2700 years old, had recently returned to her father's home after living for a while with her grandmother Galadriel in Lórien. Aragorn fell in love with Arwen at first sight, and at first mistook her for Lúthien, thinking he had fallen into a dream.[4]

About thirty years later, the two were reunited in Lórien, where Arwen reciprocated Aragorn's love and they "plighted their troth" (promised themselves to each other) on the mound of Cerin Amroth, Arwen choosing to become mortal and to stay in Middle-earth with Aragorn, and giving up the chance to sail over the sea and live forever in the Blessed Realm. Arwen never broke faith with Aragorn, even when he went to war. While the War in the South raged on, Arwen wove a banner for Aragorn, which would become his standard after he became king.

Tolkien wrote:
"...a white gem like a star that lay upon her breast hanging upon a silver chain"

Complete the look with Aragorn's elven ring of power, the ring of Barahir, also availble in the store.


Necklace Length - 60cm

Pendant Height - 4cm

Pendant Width - 3cm