A George Cram Simplified Physical-Political Map of Australasia / Australia, cased in a red canvas protective book cover. This is a folding map that also features two grommets for hanging the map vertically. Map is attached to a cloth backing that is in perfect condition. Paper map also in great condition with no rips or tears - coloring is still intact with slight yellowing due to aging. Contains an index as well as a key of water depth and land elevation. Map contains Australia primarily but also showcases New Zealand, Tasmania, the Fiji Islands, Bismark and Solomon Islands, East Asia, Philippines, Indonesia, and the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

We were unable to find the year of this maps production (something George Cram is known for leaving out) and therefore predict a date of circa 1950.

Measurement of red canvas casing: 12.5" x 10.5" (HxW)
Measurement of map fully open: 47.5'' x 51.5"  (HxW)