
- The USB DC Power Cable enables you to power an external 5V DC device,

- The USB to DC Plug cable is a perfect solution for mobile applications, eliminating the need to pack a wall adapter for charging 5V devices.

- This product eliminates having to carry/store a power adapter, by enabling you to connect devices from a USB port to a DC plug.

- Convert a USB A port into a type N power connector, for powering external drives or mobile peripherals through an available USB port on your desktop/laptop

- One USB A male connector

- One type N barrel power connector


- Power devices from a USB port

- For small electronics and devices which use a barrel jack for a power cable

- Provides 5V DC from USB, support less than 3A

Package included

- *USB to DC 5.5mm*2.5/5.5*2.1/4.0*1.7/3.5*1.35/2.5*0.7 5V Barrel Jack Power Cable