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Autore: Lewis Sinclair

Titolo: Babbitt

Editore: Intra

Pagine: 361

Ean: 9791259910837

ATTENZIONE in rari casi l'immagine del prodotto potrebbe differire da quella riportata nell'inserzione


-A satire of the American social landscape. Sinclair Lewis's greatest novel- Businessman George F. Babbitt loves the latest appliances, brand names, and the Republican Party. In fact, he loves being a solid citizen even more than he loves his wife. But Babbitt comes to resent the middle-class trappings he has worked so hard to acquire. Realizing that his life is devoid of meaning, he grows determined to transcend his trivial existence and search for greater purpose. Raising thought-provoking questions while yielding hilarious consequences, and just as relevant today as ever, Babbitt's quest for meaning forces us to confront the Babbitt in ourselves-and ponder what it truly means to be an American. Harry Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951) attended Yale University, where he was an editor of the literary magazine. After a few of his stories had appeared in magazines and his first novel had been published, he was able to write full time. He was awarded the 1926 Pulitzer Prize for Arrowsmith but refused to accept it. However, he accepted the Nobel Prize awarded him in 1930. Il Disoriente A paperback and e-book series published by Intra. Global readability, Italian charm.


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