* ~ CHARGED 7 Chakra Gemstone Orgone Energy Pendant Metatron Cube Sacred Geometry Orgonite Necklace  ~ * 

Crystals for Energy Transformation, Chakra Balance , Reiki Practices, Protection

Handmade Orgonite Metatron's Cube Pendant is positive energy generator that blocks negative energy

Handmade sacred geometry orgonite 7 chakra gemstone pendant comes on a black cord necklace. Orgone energy chakra pendant with metatron's cube sacred geometry symbol in copper and 7 chakra gemstones layered within the orgonite pendant. Through Metatron's cube, life energy permeates all creation. The spheres of the cube represent the ‘Feminine’ while the straight lines are ‘Masculine’. The seven different chakra stones correlate to the 7 chakras. Thus Metatrons Cube represents the weaving together of the Male & Female polarities along with alignment of the chakras to create the ONENESS field of the infinite ALL.

These sacred geometry chakra pendants are not only beautiful jewelry, but they’re also a powerful tool.
All crystals give off healing energy useful for healing, unblocking or balancing the chakras,
spiritually enhancing your life and promoting overall healing.
Use this orgone energy pendant with the ancient symbolism of metatron's cube along with 7 chakra gemstones for healing yourself, raising your energy vibrations, harmonizing your entire being, for optimum mentality, energy, and physical health. 

Chakra Gemstones Crystal Meaning

Jasper Root Chakra ~ gonads glands; for grounding, survival

Orange Carnelian Sacral Chakra ~ pancreas gland;  for emotions, sexuality, creativity

Citrine Solar Plexus Chakra ~ adrenal gland; for power, ego, will

Green Aventurine Heart Chakra ~ thymus gland; for love, responsibility

Lapis Lazuli Throat Chakra - Thyroid gland; for  communication, physical or spiritual, truth

Iolite ~ Third Eye Chakra ~ pineal glands; for forgiveness, compassion, intuition

Amethyst Crown Chakra ~ pituitary gland; for connection with universal energies, higher spiritual realms

What is Orgone energy? Orgone or orgonite is essentially the universal life force, or life's energy; also known as chi or mana. Orgone energy is attracted all day, every day by everyone - then transformed (since all matter is constantly vibrating and changing). Sometimes we create useful, positive energy, other times it transforms into negative energy before it is released. Orgonite pendants are used for transforming this energy into positive vibrations and energy. Orgonite functions as a self-driven, continuously-operating, highly efficient energy transmutation device, drawing in negative vibrations, transforming it into positive energy.

Orgonite is made from a mixture of catalyzed fiberglass resin and copper shavings. To make this orgone chakra gemstone pendant orgonite resin is poured into a mold over the copper and chakra gemstones. As the orgonite resin cures it shrinks, squeezing the crystals inside. This creates a piezoelectric effect (polarizing the points of each crystal electrically) which charges the chakra gemstones, making these chakra crystals, amplifying their healing capabilities. This special process means this chakra pendant draws in negative energy which it then transforms into positive useful energy. Copper orgonite pendant features ancient sacred geometry symbol of Metatrons Cube as well the 7 chakra gemstones.  A must have chakra gemstone pendant for protection and positivity.

Since sacred geometry orgonite chakra gemstone pendants are handmade, each metatron's cube chakra gemstone pendant is unique. Photos are examples of a few orgonite chakra pendants - the sacred geometry orgonite pendant you receive will be very similar, but not the exact chakra gemstone pendant pictured. 

I am very passionate about crystals & feel lucky I have been able to help spread the beauty & healing abilities of these amazing crystals & jewelry. I personally make or pick out each piece from the people who made it. I ensure every piece is respected, treated with love, & care. Before shipping to you I also make sure to clear all energies & charge the crystals. Please take note that as with any natural creation there may be some slight size or color variation, as well as inclusions, pits or tiny cracks - these give the stones personality just like us -they are imperfect in their perfect nature! It is my pleasure to be able to do this as a business & pass on these amazing "gems" to others. Please feel free to email me with any questions. I am always willing to combine shipping for multiple items as well -  Buy 3 or more items  & get FREE SHIPPING!

Mystic Mana Crystals & Jewelry Store  - browse all my beautiful handmade jewelry and be sure your order qualifies for FREE SHIPPING!  Thanks!