The Saturday Evening Post November December 2012

CONDITION  Acceptable, unmarked pages, reading and cover wear



Post Perspective: America’s Wealth Cap – By Frederick Allen – Money, power, and politics: What can be done about the ever-widening disorder once shrouded in mystery.

“If It’s Boring, I’m Done” – By Sharon Begley – Science has finally come to understand adult ADHD,  a frustrating disorder once shrouded in mystery.

The 12 Blessings of Christmas – By Ellen Michaud – The holiday season is a time of joy, reflection, and wonder for people of all faiths.

Your Ultimate Hi-Tech Gift Guide – By Jeff Bertolucci – From smartphones to tablets and digital cameras, the Post has the lowdown on the season’s  10 hottest gadgets.

Treasuring Memories – By Iyna Bort Caruso – Celebrations unite generations—and the holiday season is the ideal time to bring your family tree to life.

Greatest Holiday Movies Ever – By Ed Dwyer – One-on-one with TMC’s Robert Osborne as he weighs in on the best—plus some overlooked—yuletide classics.

A Different Hawaii – By Edward Readicker-Henderson – Four islands, 10 days. Our tour transports you to multiple magical worlds most tourists never see.

Fiction: Mae’s Street – By Joan Hendricks – Looking out on Christmas Eve, Mae felt like she owned the street, along with her neighbors, whom she loved—each and every one.


From the Editor: Hauling home the Christmas tree.

Contributors: Meet the Authors

Letters: Cheers and jeers

The Lighter Side: Memories of election night in small-town America.

Post-Its: Holiday pet-safety tips, 5-minute fitness, a second look at Nixon, more.

Finance: How the election might skew the stock market.

Food: Emeril Lagasse elevates the traditional turkey roast o a bold and delicious new level.

Inspiration: A simple act of kindness blossomed into a mission to help wounded soldiers overseas.


Post Scripts: Readers’ Best Jokes

Games: Limericks, Contests, More!

You Be the Judge: I a home inspector misses a major defect6, shoud the homeowner bear responsibility?

Medical Mailbox: Your Health Qs Answered

Heat Beat: Expert Cardiac Advice

Art of the Matter: During the Great Depression, Rockwell’s illustrations helped lift the spirit of the nation.