Today, there are many different sources of electromagnetic radiation all around us throughout the world—and each year more and more sources are created. If you feel that your mental clarity, memory or focus is diminished. If you experience low energy, fatigue, frequent physical disharmony, headaches, irritability or stress.  If you concerned about the potential health risks from wireless networks and radiation that you cannot see. You want to protect yourself but are not sure how.


ASSURON original formula is the only natural complex of proprietary blend of precious and semi-precious powdered gems mixed with organic plant-based ingredients. This outstanding combination helps your body neutralize the negative effects of the various types of electromagnetic radiation and provides unrivaled protection for up to 6-7 months.

Taking ASSURON also eliminates the need to neutralize the numerous negative electromagnetic fields all around you for up to 6-7 months.

ASSURON original formula draws on the work of the natural health practitioners from Canada and Germany and is result of more than seven years of extensive research and studies influenced by ancient Chinese and Nepali manuscripts.



You are strongly advised to take ASSURON if you:



·    Frequently use Wi-Fi devices, cellular phones, Bluetooth devices, microwave ovens;


·      Spend long hours on the computer;


·      Regularly use subway lines, visit underground shopping areas or parking lots;


·  Live near mountains, lakes, rivers, railroads, a subway system or underground shopping areas;


·      Often travel by air, work for an airline company or live close to an airport;


·    Were living or visiting countries affected by higher levels of radiation; including most countries in Eastern, Northern and Central Europe, Japan, specific parts of the Caribbean and parts of the US;


·     Have been exposed to sunlight for long periods of time;


·      Live near high-voltage power lines;


·      Underwent X-rays, CT scan, or MRI tests;


·  Сare about getting help in protecting against the negative effects of solar and geomagnetic storms that can cause serious electromagnetic radiation stress;


·   Fear of being exposed to radiation in the event of a nuclear attack or catastrophe;


·   Are concerned that radiation from upcoming 5G devices and towers is potentially dangerous to your health;


·      Worry about effective protection against the harmful effect of nano-particles;


     ·  Drive a hybrid or electric car.




ASSURON neutralizes harmful effect of everyday sources of EMF:


                      AM/FM radios

                      Broadcasting antennas

                      Computers and laptops

                      Cell phones

                      Cordless phones

                      Electrical appliances

                      Electric blankets      

                      Electrical power supplies

                      Microwave ovens

                      5G devices and towers

                      Power lines


                      Video game equipment

                      Wireless internet

                      Smart meters

                      Natural geopatic radiation


                      Bluetooth devices


Customer Reviews:

“With my work, I’m in front of a computer screen 4-5 hours a day. Until recently, every day was pure torture. Half an hour into my job, I’d get a horrible headache, feel extremely tired and irritable. To deal with the fatigue and just try to get through the day, I‘d pump myself up with several cups of coffee. I’d also regularly change monitors to see if that might help … but nothing did. A friend, who knew about my condition, told me about Assuron. So, I read up about it and started taking the capsules. Within a short while, I started to feel much better—no more symptoms and no side effects. Now, I can work on the computer for as long as I need without struggling. I also drink less coffee, feel more energetic and am able to work longer hours than ever before. I recommend Assuron to those who spend a lot of time on the computer—it really changed my life.”  

Fabian MK, Paris, France


“I work in an Emergency Department so I’m constantly exposed to very high levels of EMF. As a result, I suffered from extreme fatigue, decreased motivation, low energy, poor concentration, memory problems and chronic general malaise. After taking five Assuron pills over a one-month period, my energy level, concentration and memory returned to normal. I’ve since been tested and am now protected from EMF exposure.”  

Leo P, Toronto, Canada


“After taking Assuron and eliminating the electromagnetic waves in my body, I felt terrific! I noticed that I no longer had to urinate every half-hour (after just two hours on the road, my bladder was about to burst well into the first hour alone). The urge to constantly urinate was painful and embarrassing. Other positive health outcomes: I eat smaller portions and get full faster (my body better absorbs food and I no longer feel like a bottomless pit with a need to snack constantly). I also noticed a difference in my bowel movements (healthy, normal stool). Lastly, I became far less sensitive to light and noise. In fact, with my wireless TV headphones on, I couldn’t even hear the waves of the microwave when it was on and I was close. It was fantastic! Try Assuron … it’ll help you feel better in so many ways”  

George ML, Ottawa, Canada






ASSURON was created to help the body effectively neutralize the negative effects of the maximum  spectrum of all types of electromagnetic radiation in every moment.

Imagine-ASSURON neutralizes the harmful effects of various types of radiation constantly, every second, 24/7, up to 6-7 months. Precious and semi-precious gemstones in ASSURON original formula have a number of unique characteristics: high adsorption activity, high catalytic activity, ability to ion exchange, the presence of surface active centers of various nature.  Why are most devices for neutralizing negative electromagnetic influences ineffective? Because they are designed to reduce the harmful effects of only specific type of electromagnetic radiation. Unlike other methods of protection, the effectiveness of the ASSURON solution is not limited to the type of radiation, or whether you have a protective device, whatever you are doing in the moment or wherever you are right now.


How long does ASSURON stay active?


Following more than seven years of research, careful observational studies found that the unique ingredients of the ASSURON original formula ensured the effective redistribution of ions within that entire period. During this period, more than 70 volunteers were tested for the presence of electromagnetic radiation. In each case, after taking ASSURON, the result was negative-no electromagnetic stress was detected.

This observation allows us to conclude that ASSURON will remain effective for up to 6 months.


Why are the names of the precious and semi-precious powdered gems not indicated in the ASSURON original formula?


ASSURON is an original formula manufactured using a proprietary blend of precious and semi-precious powdered gems and precise ingredients. The names of the gems are not listed to avoid potential production of a  counterfeit product using the precious stones found in ASSURON. This is to ensure customer safety. You can be confident that the ASSURON original formula is never compromised.


How can ASSURON stay active for up to 6-7 months?


The lengthy period of protection arises from ASSURON’s unique formulation because its ingredients are not excreted from the body so as to produce a positive, beneficial effect that lasts up to 6 months.


Are there any negative side effects?


Each ASSURON capsule contains 100% natural, non-GMO, gluten-free, safe and organic ingredients. During the entire period of observation, no harmful side effects were presented. All research studies performed to date indicate that ASSURON is a safe and effective aid.


If I have been exposed to electromagnetic radiation before taking ASSURON, can ASSURON help to eliminate all the negative effects?


Since ASSURON original formula has been formulated to help the body fight a broad range of harmful effects caused by electromagnetic radiation, it can in fact eliminate them. ASSURON effectively helps the body not only to eliminate the detrimental effects caused by all these types of electromagnetic radiation but also keeps you protected from these effects for up to 6 months.


Is there any other positive effect on the body after taking ASSURON?


Yes. It is particularly interesting for people who are familiar with the chakra theory and who understand how important it is to keep chakras in balance and harmony for optimal physical and mental health. After taking five capsules of ASSURON you don’t require any stimulation or balancing of the chakras for up to 6 months.


Can taking ASSURON reduce hypersensitivity to EMF?

It’s important to understand that hypersensitivity to EMF is the result of an increased sensitivity of the nervous system in general. This can be caused by exposure to various types of toxins or stress. Often, at the same time, people who are hypersensitive to EMF are also sensitive to other external factors such as bright lights, loud noises, changes in the weather, etc. In these cases, it will be is beneficial to identify and eliminate the causes of the increased sensitivity of the nervous system. 

Dosage and recommended instructions:

To help the body neutralize the negative effect of various types of electromagnetic radiation for up to 6-7 months take five ASSURON capsules within two weeks.Take the first capsule of ASSURON in 60 minutes after the last meal of the day. To be taken only with water. Do not eat after ingesting.Take the second capsule of ASSURON 3 days later, at the same time as the first one and follow the same instructions as for the first capsule. Repeat this for the remaining three capsules of ASSURON, taking one capsule every 3 days. Example: If you take the first capsule on Monday, the second capsule should be taken on Thursday, the third one on Sunday and so on. For best results, it is important to carefully follow the instructions for taking ASSURON.

Recommendation: Repeat taking five capsules ASSURON every 6-7 months.


Ingredients: ASSURON original formula: a proprietary blend of precious and semi-precious powdered gems ( Nephrite, Peridote, Scapolite,...), organic Raphanus Sativus seeds. Other ingredients: Organic white rice flour (gluten free), vegetable cellulose (vegetarian capsules). Vegetable capsules are made from carbohydrate gum derived from naturally occurring vegetable cellulose, or plant fiber (in particular, pine plant cellulose).

Free of: sugar, salt, yeast, gluten, lactose, corn, soy, milk, egg, nuts, shellfish or preservatives.


Attention!No alcohol should be consumed the same day as taking ASSURON capsules.If you have taken Artichoke tea, Milk Thistle or other products for liver stimulation, the ASSURON‘s activity time may be reduced. In this case, taking the ASSURON capsules should be repeated after 3-4 months. Do not exceed the recommended dose!


Cautions and Warnings: Individuals with a serious medical condition such as an autoimmune disorder should consult a physician before use. Not intended for use by persons under the age of 16, pregnant or nursing women, people who have allergic reactions to rice. If any reaction occurs discontinue use and seek medical attention immediately. Keep this product in a cool dry place. Keep this product out of the reach of children.                                                 

Expiration date: two years after date of shipping.


Results may vary from individual to individual. The information provided is presented for the sole purpose of imparting education on possible natural remedies, and neither the information nor the product is intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure or prevent any disease. Nothing contained in this page is or should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult an qualified healthcare professional who can fully assess your needs and address them accordingly. 

This product has not been tested by Health Canada.


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