We have been serving as Google Certified SEO Consultants & Algorithm Experts  successfully for more than 14 years & we genuinely believe in Transparency, Quality & PRODUCING RESULTS!

We take immense pride in offering our Most Powerful High authority backlinks service by tapping into numerous platforms (some  which are exclusive to us). 

Which cautiously select these LINK BUILDING DOMAINS to not only give you Strong & Diverse SEO Backlinks Profile but to also enable you to:

This Off Page SEO Service Strategy gives you:

Put simply, this service gives you RESULTS...FAST! 


How will this SEO SERVICE benefit my website?

This Powerful SEO SERVICE offers the complete & Unique Diversification of Backlinks from High Authority Sites, which ensures to reach tens of thousands of potential prospects for your business over the short-term, and millions over the long-term with consistent Campaigns.

Do you accept all niche sites?

Absolutely, We accept all niche sites. In fact we feel Humble to share that we have ranked huge number of websites across all Niche.

Do you accept Non-English sites?

Absolutely, We are Experts to rank Non-English sites. Most of our clients are from Non English Countries.

Do you update your Backlink database on frequent basis or keep using same sites?

Yes, Absolutely. We have huge database of SEO Backlinks so we cautiously select best and different Linking domains each Month depending upon the Need and current Metrics of the Website.

Do you use mix of Dofollow and Nofollow backlinks?

Yes, we use mix of Dofollow and Nofollow backlinks to make it Natural ,Organic & Optimized in the eyes of google.

Is your backlink strategy safe?

Undoubtedly , we use the most Safest , Latest and Impactful strategy to create backlinks and to Rank on Google Page 1. As we use multiple platform of links maintaining proper & balanced anchor diversity, combination of Tier 1 &Tier 2, natural mix of Dofollow & Nofollow.

How long does it take to start seeing results in your SEO services?

Every website will have different ranking improvements. If the keywords you are trying to rank for are very popular and competitive, the results will take longer. Some clients have even seen first page rankings within the first 30 days.

Can you guarantee first page rankings?

We do have a service that Guarantees results provided your keywords meet a certain criteria. That guarantee doesn't extend to this service. Nonetheless, all SEO services find on Peak Funnel have been vigorously tested and proven for their effectiveness. 

Can I use multiple URLs and Anchors?

Yes, we can target up to 3 URLs per package from the same website with relevant anchor text.

Will you provide me with reports?

We will provide you with detailed and easy to understand report as we believe in total transparency.