Dr Bakshi Baksons B57 Memory Drops

Weak memory is common these days, it can be due to lot of work, stress, and forgetfullness can be a reason. Memory problems can arise due to various causes and reasons.


 Helps Improving memory 

Other Indications of B57 Memory drops

  • Weak retention capacity in children
  • Restores the confidence in children

Action of Ingredients used in B57 Memory drops

  • Anacardium Orientale : Loss or weak memory after small pox and chicken pox. The patient is depressed and irritable.  
  • Lycopodium : Weakness of memory. Suitable for old people. 
  • Kali phos :Mental breakdown after enormous mental exertion with nervousness and over-sensitivity. 
  • Arsenic album:  lacks courage. General sensibility increased. Sensitive to disorder and confusion. 
  • Gelsemium: Dullness, languor, listless. Bad effects from fright, fear, exciting news.  
  • Sepia:  Dreads to be alone. very sad.

Dosage of Dr Bakshi Baksons B57 Memory Drops

10-15 drops should be diluted in water and taken 3 times a day.