Konrad Ziolkowski - ISET IV,

The sculpture ISET IV was created from bronze, and marble. This is the fourth cast of ten, each cast is treated and finished differently. All sculptures have a different patina and base which ultimately forms an integral part of the ISET figure.

When I created the ISET IV sculpture I wanted to draw attention to the effect of the red, brown color on the color of the composition. The red fabric as a conquering accent emphasizing the shape of the two colliding solids.

Two faces, prepared to find a common dialogue and maintain it with others. Two faces that mean our flexibility, understanding and a sincere desire to communicate with another person or to find a solution to an existing situation. Faces that are a sign of wisdom and understanding for difficult tasks, tasks that in which sometimes we have to forget about ourselves in order to find an understanding, a common language.
What happens when we want to be understanding or we want to compromise, we have to give up something to someone, sometimes to understand it, but for another good. We use one face or the other, what gives off in us what feeling is this kind of confusion of contentment with dissatisfaction. The symbol of this feeling is the matter between the two stone lumps of the bottom. Between the two differences, when we are dealing with a compromise or forbearance, our one block of beliefs or willingness will go in someone else's block of beliefs ... way in life. When these plans are met and the common willingness to find a compromise, one basis is created consisting of two plans and a compromise is created between them, understanding, is this successful dialogue. A small accent, but a very important one, otherwise these two blocks would not be complete. The work is dedicated to a people who can understand the problems of others and do not think only about themselves ...



I was born in Strzelin, Poland, in 1981. I grew up in a family with art traditions. During my high school days, I made my own compositions and commercial commissions. In 2001 I started my studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. During my studies, I also took part in creating and organizing festivals, exhibitions and artistic and multimedia shows. I was a member of the unofficial artistic group “El Nino”. In 2006 I graduated from the Academy with excellent degree in professor’s Zbigniew Makarewicz sculpture studio.

Currently, I deal with contemporary and classical sculpture, multimedia, computer graphics and animation.



2001– 2006 – Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, direction – the sculpture, diploma – 2006 1997– 2001 – School Complex of Building in Brzeg, specialization – renovation of monuments and architecture


2006 – an exhibition related to the completion of a diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts – figural composition in the convention of post-cubist, City Gallery in Wrocław
2000 – drawings exhibition in the entrance hall of a School Complex of Building – Brzeg


2021 – sculptures exposition in Two of Art Gallery – Antiekcentrum, Amsterdam

2021 – Laboratorium Rzeźby (Sculpture Laboratory) – exhibition of ToTuart art gallery – Praga Koneser Center, Warsaw

2021 – sculpture exposition in Glaza Expo Design Art Gallery, Gdansk

2021 – sculptures exposition in MAG Modern Art Gallery – Koszyki Hall, Warsaw

2008 – multimedia exhibition – Approach to Science, Forest Café – Edinburgh, Scotland

2005 – visualization show for fashion agency, the Materia Design collection, Discuss Club, Wrocław

2005 – Multimedia Installation, ….. Y, Wrocław City Gallery

2005 – drawings exhibition – entrance hall of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław

2005 – visualization show – ASIA Festival, El Nino Cyber Pop

2003 – exhibition SOBIEONI – Entropia Gallery in Wrocław, project – El Nino Phosphoros

2001 – post-competition exhibition in sculpture – Jozef von Eichendorff., Nysa

2000 – post-competition exhibition of drawings – Warsaw Royal Castle –
Europa w szkole ( Europe in school)

2000 – drawings exhibition in the Castle of Silesian Piasts – Brzeg

2000 – post-competition exhibition of sculpture – Katyń – Golgota Wschodu
(Katyn – Golgotha East), Opole

1999 – post-competition exhibition – Opole – Majówka w skansenie, Mistrz – Uczeń (Picnic in the museum, master – follower)


2009 – medal commemorating Solidarity Brzeg for the design and realization of the monument of Father Jerzy Popiełuszko
2006 – medal for outstanding dissertation in the academic year 2005/2006
2001 – award in art competition – Drogi do niepodległości Polski w XX wieku (Polish ways to independence in 20th century), Opole
2001 – award in competition – Jozef von Eichendorff jego życie i twórczość w oczach dziecka (Jozef von Eichendorff – his life and creative work in the children’s eyes), Nysa
2000 – award and honourable mention for participation in nationwide competition – Katyń – Golgota Wschodu (Katyn – Golgotha East), Warsaw

2000 – honourable mention for participation in IX nationwide competition – Europa w szkole (Europe in school), Warsaw
2000 – award in nationwide competition – Katyń – Golgota Wschodu (Katyn – Golgotha East), Opole
1999 – award and honorable mention in a regional art contest – Majówka w skansenie, Mistrz – Uczeń (Picnic in the museum, master – follower), Opole