NMS No Man's Sky: Taxi Service Pack - safe galaxy travel (PC/PS/Xbox)
This pack is suitable for anyone playing in Normal. 

Travelling from one galaxy to another, via the Galaxy Core, can be time consuming and dangerous, as it damages technology installed in your Exosuit, Starship and Multi-Tool. 

With this pack you will be able to travel to the new galaxy safely, without any damage to your technology. Just place a Base Computer somewhere on a planet in the galaxy, and you can travel there whenever you want to via the Base Teleport Modules.

The Pack includes:
* Free Travel to a Galaxy of your choice (from the list above - more added all the time).

* around 10,000 "instant nanites" - sold as S-class Starship Shield Modules.
* 1 billion Units - sold as Starship AI Valves.
* Base Computer
* 2 x Square Rooms
* 5 x Solar Panels
* 1 x Biofuel Generator
* 5 x Batteries
* 1 x Landing Pad
* 1 x Base Teleport Module
* a few free extras [let me know if you need anything specific that you need, and I will see what I can do :-)]

How It Works:
This pack is different to the other items in my "shop", so please do read carefully.
1. We will share our NMS Friend Code and your PSN/Gamertag with each other.
2. We arrange to meet up at a convenient time.
3. I will go into the game through the "Play Game" side, and I will wait at a space station in the Galaxy that you would like to travel to.
4. When I am ready, you will go into the game through the "Multiplayer" side, and search for my game name.
5. Join me at the space station where I will be waiting.
6. I will give you stacks of Exosuit Expansion Slots, which you will then apply at the "glowing backpack" to max out your exosuit storage space.
7. I will give you the Starship Shield Modules, which you will then sell to the Technology Merchants to receive your "instant nanites".
8. I will give you the Starship AI Valves, which you can sell at the Galactic Trade Terminal to get your units.
9. We will then travel down to the planet's surface.
10. I will give you the base building items, and wait until you have placed your Base Computer, and claimed the land for yourself. 
11. Build a quick base using the items provided, and then UPLOAD it.

I am based in the UK.
Most days I am free during the following hours: 9.30am until 2.30pm     and then from 8pm onwards.

NB: Nothing will be delivered. Please ignore this part of the eBay purchase.

Communication in the game
I am able to write messages on the in-game text chat, to guide you through the process as we work. I appreciate that not everyone can do this as most of you play on a console, so there are three options if you wish to tell me things, or ask questions as we work:
1. Use the emotes to say things like "YES" or "THANK YOU";
2. Message me using the eBay message system;
3. Send me a direct message via the Discord app (my username is RinceWind#7795)