Made from 100% Cotton, the collection’s timeless, subtle designs and colors soothe the mind and quiet the soul. Holistically from the materials applied, to thorough quality checks, to thoughtful improvements, quality is at the heart of everything we do. This Collection inspires a natural lifestyle with complete comfort in matching bedding sheets & pillowcases, comforters, duvets, and pillows. Our collection adds a designer’s touch to any bedroom. Our brand marries timeless beauty amidst stylish appeal. Our bedsheets and pillowcases are available in assorted sizes; queen sheets, twin sheets, full sheets, and king sheets, king pillowcases, and standard pillowcases.

Item: Pillowcase
Thread Count: 400 TC refers

Made from 100% Cotton, the collection’s timeless, subtle designs and colors soothe the mind and quiet the soul. Holistically from the materials applied, to thorough quality checks, to thoughtful improvements, quality is at the heart of everything we do. This Collection inspires a natural lifestyle with complete comfort in matching bedding sheets & pillowcases, comforters, duvets, and pillows. Our collection adds a designer’s touch to any bedroom. Our brand marries timeless beauty amidst stylish appeal. Our bedsheets and pillowcases are available in assorted sizes; queen sheets, twin sheets, full sheets, and king sheets, king pillowcases, and standard pillowcases.
