5 x 2Pac Tattoo Karte - Schriftzug und Portait - Temporary Body Tattoo (5)


5 x 2Pac Tattoo Card - Lettering and Portait - Temporary Body Tattoo (5)


  •     5 x 2Pac Shakur Tattoo Card in black - No China Production!
  •     German instructions on each back including preprint as a positioning aid
  •     Tattoo in different motif sizes of approx 7 x 6.4 cm, 7.4 x 3 cm, 2.7 x 1.8 cm, 6 x 3.5 cm - different sets in the store
  •     Easy application with water transferable - tattoos are water and soap resistant!
  •     Daily shipping, mostly arriving next day in Germany - approx. 3-4 days in the EU

5 x 2Pac Shakur tattoo card in black. This contains a portrait, as well as 3 letterings of his name - ideal for clubs or parties.
Portrait in real motive size of approx. 7 x 6,4 cm, signature 7,4 x 3 cm, 2Pac small 2,7 x 1,8 cm and 2Pac big 6 x 3,5 cm
Includes German instructions on the back. Plus a handy preprint for ideal positioning of the tattoo.
The tattoos can last up to several days (depending on skin type and mechanical stress) and are also water and soap resistant.
The application is very easy.

Clean the skin before application
1. remove the protective foil
2. stick the tattoo on dry and grease-free skin.
3. moisten the backside completely with a damp cloth and press it on.
After about 30 seconds, remove the backing paper. 5.
5. the tattoo is ready.
After drying, dab the tattoo with a damp cloth to remove adhesive residue and to press on the tattoo even more.
The tattoos are soap and water resistant! If they have not been worn for so long, simple adhesive tape will also help.
They dissolve with oil or fatty creams.
To remove, rub very lightly with baby oil and then rub off with a cloth.