Świnoujście ( Swinoujscie ): SURROUNDINGS: 'View from Golm near Swinoujscie',

lithograph by Hintze (print royal. lith. Institute Berlin ) after Schirmer, around 1835, 23 x 37

Hannes, Historical Views of Swinemünde and Golm, No. 13 and Fig. p. 33. - Rare view. The viewer looks from the hill of the Golm to the Baltic Sea with the mouth of the Swine. On the right the monument on the Golm.

Article number: 96841
Świnoujście ( Swinoujscie ): SURROUNDINGS: 'View from Golm near Swinoujscie', lithograph by Hintze (print royal. lith. Institute Berlin ) after Schirmer, around 1835, 23 x 37 Hannes, Historical Views of Swinemünde and Golm, No. 13 and Fig. p. 33. - Rare view. The viewer looks from the hill of the Golm to the Baltic Sea with the mouth of the Swine. On the right the monument on the Golm. Article number: 96841