* ~ Natural Angelite Heart Polished Palm Stone Tumbled Pocket Stone Crystal Healing Energy ~ *

Perfect for Spiritual Connection, Positive Magic, Compassion & Understanding Opening Third-Eye, Self-Expression, Truth, Clarity & Enlightenment...

Angelite is a great stone for work with the throat chakra, third-eye chakra, and crown chakras

This blue crystal inspires

  Peace Acceptance  Love  Compassion Spiritual Protection Trust

 Positive magic  Spiritual Protection Astral Projection  Friendship  Manifestation

Angelite is a beautiful blue stone that resonates with the vibration of love, truth and enlightenment, wonderful for clearing the throat chakra, opening the third eye, activating the crown chakra. Angelite stimulates higher levels of the mind and intuition; encouraging clarity as well as telepathy and astral projection. Angelite is said to help facilitate communication and connection with one's guides, guardians, and angels, totem animals & even help access past lives and akashic records through astral travel. Angelite also has the added benefit of spiritual protection against psychic attacks and other negative energies.

Angelite is a gemstone of complete awareness that connects the wearer to a higher truth and universal love. Angelite helps encourage honesty, compassion, morality and understanding. Use Angelite during meditation for enhancing the meditative state, to seek clarity regarding one's current situation, in addition to including more loving energy from the heart shape. Use angelite crystals for wisdom, connecting with spiritual guardians, shielding negative energy and protecting against psychic attacks. Helpful crystals for overcoming emotional pain, acceptance, love, and understanding. This blue stone is helpful for forming strong relationships, aiding in expression of true feelings and emotions and allowing a connection on a higher level.

These puffy heart palm stones are hand polished, each angelite stone is unique, photos are examples of several angelite hearts - please look at all the pictures. Angelite does vary in shades of blue and some brownish lines or small inclusions of yellows and browns are completely natural and to be expected. You are purchasing one angelite heart that will be very similar to the ones in the pictures but it will not be the exact angelite stone pictured. Angelite hearts are about 1.25"-1"Wide by about 1.25"Tall.

I am very passionate about crystals & feel lucky I have been able to help spread the beauty & healing abilities of these amazing crystals & jewelry. I personally make or pick out each piece from the people who made it. I ensure every piece is respected, treated with love, & care. Before shipping to you I also make sure to clear all energies & charge the crystals. Please take note that as with any natural creation there may be some slight size or color variation, as well as inclusions, pits or tiny cracks - these give the stones personality just like us -they are imperfect in their perfect nature! It is my pleasure to be able to do this as a business & pass on these amazing "gems" to others. Please feel free to email me with any questions. I am always willing to combine shipping for multiple items as well -  Buy 3 or more items  & get FREE SHIPPING!

Mystic Mana Crystals & Jewelry Store  - browse all my beautiful handmade jewelry to be sure your order qualifies for FREE SHIPPING!  Thanks!