100% BOLIVIAN CHU’TAS Doll Women/Man Dancers Hand Made 12"x 3" Wears BOLIVIAN folkloric dress..

CHUTAS Bolivia Danza Tradicional

The dance CHU'TAS is mostly performed during carnival in La Paz. The festivities begin a week before the parade when EL PEPINO (the jester) a descendant from the European Harlequin, is resurrected as every year the fiesta terminates with the burial of the PEPINO. The origin of this dance derives from the CHUTA a representative of the indigenous city dweller, who had to work without pay for the property owners. He was also known as a PONGO derived from the word PUNKU which means door in AYMARA because he was made to sleep by the door.

The CH'UTA is a great entertainer; behind the mask he makes the public laugh by teasing and telling jokes. The oral expression is to converse with high pitched voices so as not to be recognized